Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation

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We are finally arriving to the end of this volume! Hope you people are enjoying my works still! Also, what're your thoughts on the new Wu Lin hero, Sun Da? Is he neat or is he Kensei 2.0? Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Huh? Disclaimer street is that way.

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, I would've added a Korean faction in.


- Harrowgate, Ashfeld... -

Cross: "Do you realize that by associating yourself with renegades can get you trialed and imprisoned? What you have done is treachery." Cross tells Amber.

Amber along with the acting commanders of the Lightshield Cohort, Davius and Ademar went to Holden Cross inside the latter's office. Amber had explained to her fellow commanders about her findings and her potential lead to (Argen). The two agreed to support her and help convince Cross, but it doesn't sound good as of now.

Amber: "You wouldn't do that, Holden, not when we have a growing chance to take down Apollyon." Amber confidently replies. "I have told you everything that I got from Anaximander, and we need your help."

Cross: "This is a rebellion, Peltaris. Apollyon will not like this." Cross tells her.

Amber: "She doesn't have to know, not yet. That's why we need you to keep everything hidden from her. You don't serve Apollyon, Holden. You know that. None of us here do."

Cross: "Or I can have you all imprisoned for treason and let Apollyon decide your fate." He threatens, but still, Amber remains steadfast. "This will not do, Peltaris. Meneth, Titus, take her away and imprison her!" He tells the two Lightshields.

Ademar and Davius hesitated, but complied nonetheless. However, Amber clearly won't agree to this. She pushes both of them away and faces Cross.

Amber: "No! Holden, you can't throw this chance away! Get off me!" She yells yells at the Lawbringer as she wrestled away from the two Lightshields. Cross just sighs.

Cross: "Make it easier for all of us, Peltaris. I may just consider lowering your punishment. Guards!" He and calls for the guards outside, who opened the door and assisted in restraining a rouge Amber.

One of the guards tries to grab her arm, but before he can do so, however, Amber reels back and punches the guard straight in his face, causing him to fall down groaning. The other one tries to quickly disable her, but Amber punches the arm away, grabs and twists it that earned her a scream of pain, and kicks the guard on his back, falling down beside his compatriot. Ademar and Titus attempts again, but instead of getting beat down like the guards, Amber talks them down.

Amber: "Stop, you two! You know better than this, and you know what I am saying is true!" She tells them.

Ademar: "We have no evidence whether the words of this Saidan Anaximander you met are true." Ademar argues back.

Amber: "(Argen) trusts him!" She yells. Cross, however, is done.

Cross: "Enough!" He shouts as he brandishes an arming sword from a nearby rack and points at Amber's neck. "I can just cut you down now, Peltaris, and bring your head to the master." He threatens her again.

Amber: "Not when we have the chance now." She says defiantly. "I know you, Cross. I know that you have no interest in rewards, even more so that you want to depose her yourself. You can't do it by yourself. You know me, and you know (Argen). You knew from the start that he is the man that Ashfeld needs." She says.

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