Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts

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Allo, people! New chapter up and runnin' now! It's weird, how I am only managing to write these chapters during my free time in school. Probably because I am so busy elsewhere in the Internet when I am at home, and I don't have connection at school so this is my sole enjoyment. Well, nuff said; into the chapter!

Here's the teaser I made ;)

You are currently encountering SCP- [REDACTED]. Please refrain from ignoring it to avoid unintended and unwise opinions.

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, then I would send you a picture of SCP-096's face ;)

Google that boi and see what happens when someone looks at its face ;)


- Four days later in Blackstone City, General POV... -

Admiral Zumwalt: "... Yes. As you may have heard from Lord Cross here, I am still reluctant to join your legion. My marines have always been their own people, and they don't want some woman like you to have them under your command, and neither do I." Admiral Dylan Zumwalt; leader of the Green Anchor Marines says bluntly to the people (more specifically Apollyon) inside a room around a large table made of obsidian.

It is precisely here where the Blackstone Legion was officially formed by its eight warlords, which included Apollyon herself. It is here where seven of them claimed the title 'warlord,' all of which failed. Apollyon is the eight, and so far the most successful of them all.

Commander Faryd: "With all due respect, Admiral, we only seek to gain your allegiance as well as the technologies that you may wish to share with us." One of the Lawbringers replies to Zumwalt.

Admiral Zumwalt: "I am neither a fool, boy, nor will I believe those words of yours. The Blackstone Legion under Basillius the Cold has scarred the Green Anchor in a way that it will never be removed from the books of history. I don't want to repeat that part of history, so unless you have a better reason for us to rejoin the Blackstone Legion, me and my marines will remain neutral." He declares. Faryd was about to say something else by Apollyon stops him.

Apollyon: "We appreciate your honesty, Admiral. We shall leave you and your marines to yourselves." She says to him.

Cross: "But will trading between us continue? It would be a shame if we are to lose a valuable and unique trade partner." Cross asks.

Admiral Zumwalt: "As long as you do not disturb us, then we will certainly continue trades."

Cross: "Perfect. That's all we need to hear from you."

Admiral Zumwalt: "Then I shall take my leave." He nods at them, who return the gesture.

The Warden-Admiral leaves the room with two of his marines who are there for his security. They go through the doors and the guards outside promptly close them afterwards.

Apollyon turns her head towards the rest of the leaders inside; her eyes landed onto a particular female.

Apollyon: "Ahh, Alleria Bladewind. I do hope that things are going well in the Scrublands after that joint crusade that we did nearly a year ago." Apollyon asks her.

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