Anti: Furthering Into Business

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Tap, tap, tap. Dark was tense and was tapping a pen on the desk almost furiously. Placing a hand on his wrist, I stopped his anxious shaking. He looked up at me with angry eyes that immediately turned soft. "Sorry..." He murmured. "I just want this all to work out, but now I'm having my doubts." I nodded, understanding what he was going through.

He sighed and stood up. "I'm going to use the bathroom." I watched him as he walked out of the room and propped my feet on the desk. We had just been talking about what was next, what we were going to do afterwards. Dark wasn't a man to procasinate. After about 15 minutes I wondered what was taking him so long. Walking down the hall I began to hear murmuring. It got louder once I reached the bathroom door. It sounded like Dark was saying, "maybe I'm the crazy one?" Over and over again.

I opened the door to see him sitting on the sink, applying eyeliner. His head shot back to look at me. "Uh..." I just stood there deadeyed for a moment before letting out a much needed laugh. Dark crossed his arms and said something under his breath, probably a few profanities.

After a few moments I let my laughing come to a stop. Dark was now standing in front of me with a small smirk. "You really think that's funny, huh?" He asked. I nodded a pulled at his tie, then I brought my hand up to his cheek. "You always wear makeup?" He huffed. "No... Just eyeliner, goes with the dark and brooding aurora. At least I think it does, or it makes me look a little angrier. I sound like a typical edgy teenager when I say it aloud." He glanced down and put his hands on my waist.

Leaning in close to his face I whispered smugly over his lips. "You're an edgy teenager stuck in a grown man's body." I quickly escaped out the door with Dark running after me.

Okay, this is where I start to actually write this book again...

Mark looked slimmer than he had when we kidnapped him. We didn't care to give him much food. Maybe just one meal every other day, that's a lot more than I would have liked to give him, but Dark wanted him alive. My job now was to bring Mark to the library. By the looks of him, I would have to carry him there. Taking out my knife I started to saw away at the ropes until they fell to the floor. Mark slumped forward and would have fell out of the chair if I hadn't caught him. He groaned painfully. "Wha... What're you doing?" I hefted him over my shoulder. "Nothing you need to worry about." I said. He actually had a lot to worry about.

I walked through the halls until we were met with the tall double doors of the library. I carried Mark into the lavish room, and laid the frail man on a table that sat in the middle of the room. Dark walked out from the shadows. "Thank you, Anti." I simply nodded to him and backed away from the table. Dark strolled over to it and tapped Mark's jaw to get his attention. "Do you know what we're doing here?" He asked. Mark just grunted in reply, probably too weak or tired to say anything. Dark slammed his hand down on the table beside the man's head. "Answer me!" Mark didn't even flinch, but instead answered with. "It wasn't me, if you would just listen-" Dark scoffed. "Why should I listen to some scum bag like you? You don't even deserve a glance from me. But today, we're going to fix everything that you ruined." He took a large dagger from the inside of his jacket and raised it above his head. Dark then preceded to slam it down on Mark's hand, going right through meat, bone, tendions, and right into the table. Mark screamed out so loudly that I had to cover my ears. Dark put a hand over his mouth to muffle his cries. "Anti, bring me that book over there." He pointed to where a leather bound black book sat idly by on a small table. I did as I was asked. Dark thanked me and skimmed through a couple of the old yellowed pages until he came across one that had cryptic messages written all over it.

Dark dipped his pointer finger in the blood that started to pool around Marks hand. After dragging it in a pattern on Mark's forhead, Dark gestured for me to stand on the side of the table opposite of him. I reluctantly dragged my feet over. Honestly, I couldn't give a rats ass about this ritual, I just wanted to sleep. He wiped his finger on Mark's shirt and went back to scan the book. "Do you have your knife on you?" He asked without looking at me. I sighed and handed him my beloved switchblade. It's handle was made of onyx, crested with small pear shaped emeralds. I had worked hard for it. Killed up to ten men, sold them to a shady doctor. Dr. Iplier was it? There was another doctor, Dr. Schneeplestein, that I could have sold the bodies to, but he never paid me enough. Plus, I had a little something against him.

Dark took my switchblade and started to chant some weird ass words. He sat the book down on Mark's chest and put the switch blade up to his throat. It was only now that I noticed the large pentagram surrounding us. Dark started to speed up his words, chanting louder and louder. He gestured for me to join. I tried to match what he was saying, but I ended up just getting tongue twisted. Dark suddenly screamed, making me jump backwards from the table. I glanced at the table to see Mark choking on his own blood, a bright red smile adorned his neck. That triggered something in me. I touched the scar on my own throat, but immediately pulled my fingers away as if it were hot to the touch. I could feel myself losing control. I heard Dark call my name, but soon it all turned into white noise. All I had on my mind now, was to get to Seàn, and kill anybody who got in my way.

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