Dark: Simple Dinner Date

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Disclaimer: This chapter has slight sexual suggestions, nothing that's explicit though. No need to bathe in Holy water.

I walked out of the Staff Room with a grin plastered on my face. Anti came running up beside me with a frown. "Dark-" I cut him off by putting my index finger on his lips to shush him. "Yes, I did ask you out. I'm cooking dinner at the manor." He narrowed his eyes at me and lowered my hand by taking ahold of my wrist. "Well you'd better be a good cook then." I took his chin in between my thumb and index finger. "You'll be moaning at how good my cooking is. You'll ask for more probably." Anti smirked. "Hopefully you're that good in bed too." I let go of his chin and continued walking down the hall, saying over my shoulder. "You'll just have to wait and see." I made it to the door of the PR and walked in. Pamic greeted me and I told her the coordinates to locate the portal at. As I was talking with her I felt someone wrap their arms around my torso. I tensed up. Anti just giggled and undid my tie from behind, taking it with him when he walked away. I ran a hand through my hair watching him walk away, stealing a look at his ass. Pamic hit me on the arm. "Stop looking at his ass you perv." She laughed out. I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't looking as his ass..." Now it was Pamic's turn to roll her eyes. "So you snatched him before I could?" I shrugged. "Its not serious or anything-" Pamic interrupted me. "YET! Clearly you're both interested in eachother." I sighed. "Yes, I suppose." She nudged me with her elbow. "Well look at you! Getting out there and getting hot dudes, I'm so proud. It's just like you started working here yesterday, now you've gotten a promotion and everything!" I chuckled softly. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up." Pamic sighed after laughing her ass off. "Alright alright, go catch up with him, good luck on your date slugger." I smiled gently and jogged up to Anti. As soon as I was close enough he grabbed me by the front of the jacket and dragged us both into the portal.

I hopped out of the portal with Anti hanging onto me like his life depended on it. I steadied him by putting my hands on the small of his back. "Easy now, you can let go now." Anti just shook his head. "I'll never get used to flying through portals." He was just like a scared cat. I ran a hand through his hair until he relaxed. He let go of my jacket and I stopped. He looked at me with confusion. "Why'd you stop?" I chuckled. "Because we'll be standing here all night if I don't." Anti shrugged. "I guess." He smirked. "Race you to the door!" I gave him an amused look and sprinted. He ran past me, winning by slamming right into the door. "I thought we were doing a race, not 'run and break your nose'." I teased. Anti rubbed his face. "Well the intention was a race." I smiled and took his face into my hands. "Well everything looks alright. Maybe just a sore nose for a few more minutes." I turned away from him to see if the door was locked, and of course it was. I put a hand on Anti's chest to scoot him back a couple of feet before I kicked open the door. It sent an enormous 'boom' throughout the house. Anti sent out a low whistle. I let him walk into the house before me. Looking around, the house didn't seem to be in too bad of condition beside all of the dust and peeling wallpaper. Memories started to cross my mind, pulling me into deep thought.

A pair of warm hands cupping my face pulled me back to reality. I met Anti's gaze. "I lost you there for a moment." I smiled slightly. "Sorry... Just... Just got hit over the head with a wave of nostalgia." He giggled. "Yeah I could tell. So, you think the food here will still be good enough to eat?" My smile grew a little. "Well if my research is correct, the gardner that works here should be out of town for the next week. They always keep the house in good shape. I think they come here to live sometimes. So there should be a supply of food here." Anti nodded and slowly took his hands away from my face.

I took Anti's hand in mine. "Would you like the grand tour?" He smiled. "Sure, why not?"


After I had showed Anti around the manor, I looked around the kitchen for something that I could cook. I settled on some pork chops, baked potatoes, green beans, and then some chicken and dumpling soup. I let Anti help with some of the cooking. I let him roll out the dough for the dumplings as I took the pork chops out of the pan. The beans were staying warm in the microwave and the potatoes were just about done. The broth for the soup was steaming. I threw some chopped chicken and vegetables in just as Anti got done making the dumplings. He put those in and I got out a couple of wine glasses, plates and cultry, or as Anti liked to call them, food weapons. I told Anti to go sit down at the table. I plated the food and brought the plates out. "Choice of wine?" I asked. Anti had a grin on his face and shrugged. "Surprise me." I nodded and headed to the wine cellar to grab a bottle of Merlot. I headed back up.

I popped open the bottle and let it breathe for a moment before I poured him a glass. I poured my own before heading to the kitchen to check on the soup. Seeing as it was done I took the pot off the stove and poured it into a serving bowl. I brought it out to the table and set it down in the middle. I snapped my fingers and the candles on the table lit to life. I sat across from Anti. "Thank you for waiting, sorry for making you wait." Anti rolled his eyes. "There's no need to say sorry you goober." I smiled warmly at him and started to eat. We talked into the evening and Anti gave non-stop compliments on how amazing the food was. I have to admit that my cheeks were pink by the end of the dinner. Anti helped me clean up the table and wash the dishes. I said I could do it, but he insisted he helped.

Look at us. Two assiains that work for the devil himself being all mushy. It's a pretty amazing feeling though.

I was now leaning my hip up against the counter, with Anti sitting on it. We were both laughing at one of his jokes. Anti was quite charming if you got to know him. Soon our laughs turned to genuine smiles. I stepped a little closer to him. I put one hand on his waist, the other gently cupping his bearded jaw. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. I felt him tense under my hand and relax, slowly kissing me back. It was a short and tender kiss, but it made my heart swell. I slowly pulled away. Anti wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me again. I wrapped both of my arms around his waist and lifted him up off the counter. He quickly hugged my waist with his legs and allowed me to carry him up the stairs.

I opened the door to the first one I saw. Luckily it was one of the bedrooms. I laid Anti carefully on his back. The kiss had moved from being innocent to passionate. I pulled away reluctantly to breathe. Anti's brown hair was brushed over his eyes, the green ends making them stand out a bit more. His breathing was slightly heavy. He looked beautiful in this moment. He slowly moved his hands away from the back of my neck to unbutton my shirt. I stroked his hip as he did so. Soon my shirt was open, his pale hands glided over my chest. "Holy shit..." He sighed. I chuckled. "Not what you were expecting?" He shook his head. "Better than what I was expecting." I played with the hem of his shirt. Anti got the message and sat up quickly to take off the black t-shirt. He laid back down against the bed. My hand moved from his hip, over his pale belly and to his slightly hairy chest. I leaned down and kissed his neck lovingly. He started to unbutton my pants. I moved my mouth to his ear and pressed my lips against it. "I'm assuming you're wanting to take this farther?" He nodded his head quickly. I smiled and helped him unzip his own pants.

We made love into the night. Nothing was forced, nothing was rushed. It was just the two of us, alone. It was pure bliss. Afterwards, I knew I loved this maniac. But that's what made it all the more worse.

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