Part 28 (Colby's POV)

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"Can I ask something?" Sam asks.
"Ask away." Penny replies. "Although some things I cannot answer."
Sam nods. "What is it like being a vampire?"
"Sam!" Kat hisses, smacking his arm.
I look back at Penny to see not a look of offense, but one of deep thought. "It's not something you would expect." She says. "You constantly feel the need to drink blood. When it gets bad enough, you start to not care how you get it, even if it means killing. It's constantly being aware that the people you knew from your human life, you may never see again. It's being aware that you will live forever, a preservation of your body and mind, while everyone around you is born, lives then dies." There was silence. "When you become a vampire, you change. Not only physically, but mentally. You're not the same as before. A different person."
"But, it can't be all bad, can it?"
"Sure. If you think enhanced strength and senses aren't bad."
"How they bad?"
"You can smell everything. Hear everything. See everything." Penny answers. Sam raises an eyebrow questioningly. Penny sighs. "It's not exactly fun knowing what someone is doing in their bedroom."
Penny laughs. "Living with a bunch of vampires has its downfalls."
"What was it like for you? Being changed?"
"The process?"
"All of it."
"It was quick. See, when a human is bitten, the venom is so painful, it kills you almost immediately. The person will die, and the venom will start it's work on changing them. It strengthens their muscles, their eyes, nose, everything. When they wake up, they'll be a blood thirsty newborn blinded by the need for blood. It's not a happy change."
"Is there an easier way?"
Penny narrows her eyes at Sam, who leans back. "Why are you asking?"
"I'm just a curious person." He replies.
"No. There's not an easier way of transforming."
Sam looks down. "If you're ever over, in the future, are you ever going to... feed from Colby in front of us?" He asks, looking up. "I mean, because you've fed from him before and we know about you now."
"You sound like you want me to."
"I'm just wondering."
"I might." She says. "Sometimes, it's hard not to get tempted." She glances at me, and it was then that I realize how dark her eyes were.
"When was the last time you've fed?" I ask her.
"About a week ago."
"Are you hungry? 'Cause your eyes are dark."
"I'll survive."
"Eager, Colby?" I look up to see Corey standing in the doorway.
"If you felt what I felt every time she feeds from me, you'd be eager too." I reply.
"It is pretty addictive." Penny mutters. "But then again, you're human so," She shrugs.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Humans are more likely to get addicted, drunk or high than anything like vampires, werewolves, mermaids, etcetera."
"Mermaids?" Kat asks. "Mermaids are real?"
"Mermaids are not what you think they are." Penny says.
"Have you met one?" Corey asks.
"I've met plenty." She taps her nose. "Vampire, remember? I don't technically have to breathe."
"What are mermaids like?"
"They're a lot more like what you would call Sirens. They're predators. Usually sinking lost ships. They don't bother with us vampires, though."
"What do they look like?"
"Basically a woman's torso with a fish tail. They're not the most attractive creatures. Grey and scaly, with webbed hands and long fingers." She pauses. "Have you seen Harry Potter? The fourth movie?"
"Mermaids look a lot like the mermaids in the lake from the Harry Potter movie."
"Do they talk like the ones in the movie?"
"Not exactly. See, in the movie, their songs sound like screeches above water. In real life, mermaid's voice sounds the same in water and above water. It's their main weapon. They use their songs to attract sailors. But, like every mythical creature, we can speak to others, if we so choose."
"So you can speak mermaid?" Kat asks.
"Yes. But I don't like to when I'm not talking to mermaids."
"Why not?"
"Because their language is used for destruction. To kill."
"Can we hear it? Just for a second?"
"I think it's pretty late for you guys." Penny stands. "You should all go to sleep, and I should be going back."

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