Why so many Zombies?

Start bij het begin

"What are you doing?" Kim's eyes are filled with worry. 

"Relax," I assure her, "I'm just fine," 

I turn around and grip the sword that is in my weapons belt. I only use this for emergencies. 

This is one. 

"Die you bastards," I yell and unsheath the sword.

The zombies start to walk over to me unceartian of what to do. 

I yawn and move my hand in a horizontal line across the first groups heads. 

Dodging the blood I turn to see Kim climbing up into a broken window, thats my girl. 

Now the zombies have literally circled me. 

I'm trapped..... Just kidding. 

I jump as one lunges for my feet. "Oh thats now nice," I yell as I slice off it's head. 

I twirl in a circle and behead a bunch all at once. 

Bored with all this I begin to make a game out of it. 

Swinging the swored in this direction I make a dance and just replay the moves. 

Left swing. 

Right swing. 



Zombies fall to the ground. 

The numbers of zombies are dwindiling and I was just starting to have fun. 

"MAZZ!!" Kims voice snaps me out of my daze. 

"Kim!" I yell silencing the last zombie with a quick movement. 

"Kim!" I yell again. 

"Mazz!" She cries. 

I rush to where she entered the window and climb up it just as she had moments ago. 

Entering the rickidy old building I almost fall through a big gap to my left. 

"Kim where are you?!" Panic has rushed into my mouth, washed out my eyes. I'm blind with panic. 

"Mazz!" Kim yells to my left. 

I jump over the gap in the floor and rush to Kim who is in the next room.

I kneel next to her and see whats wrong. "Kim? Whats wrong?" I brush her hair out of her tan face, urging her to look at me.

"Kim......" I trail off. "Whats wrong?" 

"In the corner over there," Her nimble finger points to the corner and I look. There is a zombie watching her like a hawk. 


Aren't zombie only supposed to eat you? 

Why watch you?

I get up to get a better look at it. 


I squint as I raise my sword and examine it. 

The zombie is dead, it's just proped up to seem as though its alive, the zombies forehead is cut off, the brain gone. 

"Kim," I say turning back to her, "It's dead," 

Kim looks at me and her brown eyes are filled with tears. 

She gets up and I hug her as she cried in my arms. "I was so scared," She manages to croak. "I thought it would eat me. Mazz!!" Kim cries for what seems forever. 

I don't mind, all I have to do is stand there and whisper stuff like "It's okay," 

Kim finally pulls away and asks "Why would it be here?" 

I glance back at the zombie. 

"Some people kill zombies to." Hope springs throughout me. 

More people alive, more people to meet that aren't zombies. 

I help Kim unload the stuff she caried and we just set up our little 'camp' here.

Kim lays down her tired figure in her sleeping bag and pretty soon I hear her snoring. 

The cold breeze floats in and I curl up in my sleeping bag. Tiredness envelops me and I'm soon off to dream land.

But one question keeps me semi-awake. 

Who else is alive.

And where are they?


OMG Authors Note: I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!! Here are all my excuses for not updating on the original dates.

-Writers block. 

-Computer stopped working. 

Anyway I know this chapter sucks but it was once again just a filler. The next chapter I promise you will be better. 

questions to comment about......

1. Who do you think killed the zombie?

2. Why did Kim make such a fuss?

3. What about Mazz's big fight scene?

4. Do you hate this chapter?

5. Update or no?

Once again I'm sorry for this horrid chapter. I just felt bad about not updating so here ya go. 

Comment, vote,

Update: Friday or Saturday. 

Teaser: Kim runs away! 

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