Chapter 10: Lake-Town

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As soon as we approached the toll gate, Bard stopped the boat. Right beside the gate we saw a small and old lodging. The place looked as though it would fall apart at many moment. I winced. Did the whole town look like this?

"Halt! Goods inspection. Papers please!" A man exclaimed as he stepped out of his lodging. His stern face faded into a warm pleasant look as soon as he saw Bard. "Oh, it's you, Bard!"

"Morning, Percy." Bard greeted with a smile.

"Anything to declare?" The man named Percy questioned.

"Nothing. But I am cold and tired, and ready for home." Bard said.

"You and me both." Percy replied.

Bard then handed a piece of paper to Percy. Percy took the paper, giving it a stamp before returning it to Bard.

"There we are, all in order." Percy confirmed.

However before Bard could grab the paper, an ugly looking man with a unibrow and black clothing stepped out of the lodging, and snatched the paper from Percy's hand. A few men in the attire of guards stood behind the ugly man. I anxiously watched, afraid of getting caught.

"Not so fast." The man said, before looking down to read it. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland realm."

The man then pointed to the barrels as he walked over to the barrels. "Only they're not empty. Are they Bard? If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman. Not..."

The man took a fish from the barrel and from the corner of my eye I could see the eye of one of the dwarves. "...a fisherman."

Fortunately the man didn't notice. I did my best not to glance over at the eye so the man wouldn't notice, but it wasn't easy. And Anakin wasn't helping with his comments.

"Looks like someone's in a bad mood." Anakin retorted.

Bard gave Anakin a side glare, while Obi-Wan let out a sigh. The man turned over to look at the three of us. He narrowed his eyes at us. "And who are you three?"

"It's none of your business, Alfrid. Just like the fish." Bard retorted.

This got his attention off of us and back onto Bard, which I appreciated. The man named Alfrid pointed a finger at Bard. "Wrong. It's the Master's business, which makes it my business."

"Oh, come on, Alfrid. Have a heart, people need to eat." Bard argued.

"These fish are illegal." Alfrid replied as he threw the fish in his hand into the water. He then turned to the guards. "Empty the barrels over the side."

One of the guards turned to the others. "You heard him, in the canal."

We watched in horror as the guards climbed up onto the boat and grabbed the barrels. I glanced over at Obi-Wan and Anakin, who were both unsure what to do. Fortunately Bard wasn't giving up. "Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce."

"That's not my problem." Alfrid shot back.

"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake? When the rioting starts? Will it be your problem then?" Bard asked.

Just before the guards could empty the barrels over the side of the boat, Alfrid held up his hand. "Stop!"

At his order, the guards put the barrels back before walking off the boat. Alfrid glared at Bard. "Ever the people's champion, hey, Bard? Protector of the common folk. You might have their favor now, bargeman, but it won't last."

Alfrid then turned around and walked off the boat, standing beside Percy. Percy shouted out to the guards. "Raise the gate!"

The guards then raised the gate. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and I exchanged relieved looks. Bard did it. As Bard prepared to take us into the town, Alfrid clearly wasn't done talking, which annoyed me.

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