Evan landed, ran up to Willow, and took her in his arms. My heart stopped. The hug was the longest hug I had ever witnessed and something inside of me felt like it was being crushed. I don't know why I was feeling this way, I mean, Evan had the right to hug whomever he wanted. I just couldn't believe he would hug this girl who I had never met before. Who was she to him? Why was she here with us? I stared down at the wood chips until they finally let go of each other.

"I missed you," I could hear him tell Willow. Her face turned a beautiful rosy pink. God, she was gorgeous.

She took his face before he walked away and whispered something in his ear that I couldn't hear. They both started giggling and then Evan hoisted her up onto the monkey bars with him. I just stood on the ground, speechless.

I made my way over to the swings, sat down, and watched the two of them chat. Willow kept grabbing his thigh and nudging his ankles. I could barely watch. Evan didn't even look my way once. After about five minutes of them still ignoring me, I got up, picked up my Razor, and rode back up the hill. Neither of them said a word or even looked my direction.

On the way back to my house I couldn't stop thinking about her whispering in his ear. She was so beautiful, of course he would be friends with her. I bit back the tears and skidded to a stop on my driveway. Running over to my fence, I burst open the door and stood on the top of the hill. I thought about all the times we rolled down it. I shook my head and I threw myself down. This time wasn't very enjoyable. I couldn't get Willow and Evan out of my mind. I landed at the bottom and just sprawled out. The sky was getting cloudy. I could only see a few blue patches. It wasn't beautiful like yesterday or the day before that. It was like it had given up.

The day slowly waned into night, and I was still sprawled out in the grass. I couldn't bring myself to get up.


"You're the rudest little shit ever."

The moon was high. It must have been about eleven. Evan picked me up with one hand and shook me.

"Willow was so upset. She thought you didn't like her. Why would you treat my girlfriend like that?" He was shaking and I could see his free hand ball up into a fist.

I didn't even respond. Girlfriend. He had a girlfriend. I sagged under his grip.

"Why did you leave?"

I had enough. Pushing him off me, I ran towards my patio, but he was right behind me. He snatched a hold of my arm and spun me around. I could see the confusion in his eyes which made me feel like a horrible person. I just couldn't understand why I was feeling so upset that Willow and Evan were together.

"I don't know, okay?" I gritted my teeth to keep the tears from coming. "I just did."

He shoved me away and ran a hand through his hair. I could tell he was trying to think of something to say that wouldn't upset me. Walking up to him, I put my hand against his chest, and looked up at him hesitantly. I felt him stiffen. He avoided my gaze and looked down towards the grass.

"I give you my blessing."

Before I could say anything else, Evan grimaced, backed away, and left without another word.

The next day I looked out my window and saw Evan and Willow walking down the sidewalk, holding hands. I closed the curtains.

The rest of the summer went by very slowly. I spent most of my time lounging in the pool or reading on the hill. The air began to smell crisp and clean; I knew what was coming but I didn't want to leave my pool or hill. Soon it was the day before school began: September 2nd. The leaves were already falling, and I shut myself inside that day in denial. Summer was over.

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