"I think I like this new guy, he makes you crack easier, ready to submit to me?" He asked leaning closely into Toby's ear. His jaw clenched and he shut his eyes to avoid my curious stare. I watched as he took in a deep breath and after a moment he began to let his head fall. My heart clenched at the sight of this, I rushed to Toby and grabbed his hands and pulled him away from Marcus. I will not allow him to do that, nope, over my dead- dammit.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He asked, but I couldn't respond, my heart was beating quickly and I had to get him out of here. I could hear Marcus cackling as we left the building, I opened the passenger door and gestured him in before rushing around to the driver's side. Once in I closed the door and turned to face him, but he simply stared out the window taking in deep breaths.

"Toby, look at me," I finally said, after he's had a moment to compose himself. He tensed but turned anyways, looking at me with a blank expression.

"Why did you disappear?" I asked, he simply shrugged in response and looked down at the center console.

"Where did you go? People were worried sick," he still stayed silent and for once I couldn't stand the silence, it was suffocating when I was searching for answers. I needed to know he was at least okay, my brain was clouding with worry.

"Why did you drag me here?" He asked, his face still blank, but those doe eyes held nothing but despair. My heart clenched again, I wanted to wrap him up in my arms and keep him from everything that's hurting him- especially, Marcus. "Do you only care when everyone surrounds you and pesters you of my whereabouts?" he asked, his face appearing more broken than before.

"Why did you just stand there and watch?" He asked and I was blanking on all answers to his questions. The cloud of protection had dissipated and I was suddenly reminded of why I distanced myself from relationships. I couldn't even stutter out a response, my vocal cords had simply been cut. Why was I simply standing there when I knew Marcus was a threat? I could've jumped in at any time like he did for me. He simply nodded his head and left my car and to his bike where he drove off to who knows where. I simply sat there in my car, trying to put the pieces together, but then I finally came up with my conclusion; I enjoy his company far too much. My solution to this?

I need to avoid Toby from here on out.




Toby POV

I sat in silence on top of the cliff, replaying everything that had just happened. Marcus is becoming too dangerous for me to be around, he's becoming more bold and is tearing at my walls. He got me to bow my head in submission in fear of what he would do to me if I hadn't. The way he spoke of cruel punishments, listing them off quietly in my ear, and as I had my eyes closed I was imagining them. I was frozen in fear and my body went to survivor mode, submit to please, beg for forgiveness, but before I had gotten the chance to plead him away from me. A knight had grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the man who had locked me down. I took in a deep breath closed my eyes, allowing the autumn breeze to wrap itself around me. I need to thank him properly for what he's done, though I'm sure it won't be anything to him.

Just because he saved me, doesn't mean he doesn't think I'm a burden to him. My disappearance causing him stress because everyone thinks I'm with him. I wonder if I had asked him, if he was one of the worried sick people, if I would like the truth that came from his lips. I bit my lip and pulled my phone out of my pocket where Marcus had slid it, quickly unlocking it before dialing and pressing it to my ear.

"Toby?" he answered and I couldn't stop the choked sob after the sound of his voice had blessed my ear drums.

"What's the matter, Toby?" he asked and I wrapped my arms around myself.

"C-can you- you meet me?" I choked out.

"Of course, where are you?"

"Th-the cliff,"

"I'll be there in 20 minutes, sit tight, okay?"

I simply nodded my head and hung up , trying to stop the sobs that racked through my body. I thought that I could do this alone, that somehow I'd be able to simply brush it off after a few days of not being anywhere near a form of trigger. But when I came in, and saw him, everything that I thought I had done to bring back that steely wall of mine, had crumbled to sand.

I had flinched when arms had wrapped themselves around my body, but quickly relaxed at the touch recognition.

"What happened, Toby?" he asked as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Marcus, he- I couldn't help- I-" I took in a deep breath as he shh'd me, rubbing my arms soothingly.

"It's alright, just breathe,"

I took in a deep breath and turned, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I need your help, Uncle Jay, you're the only one I can trust,"

I heard him take in a deep breath before nodding his head against my shoulder.

"Of course, kiddo,"

Just like that I sat down and explained everything, starting with my first encounter with that knight in shining armor of mine. Holy shit- I just realized, I still don't know his name!

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