Chapter 3

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No more flights to San Francisco. I read the departure board over and over until the message finally sinks in. But I just won't let it. It can't possibly be this way.

"Excuse me, er- why are there no more flights to SFO?" I ask the American Airlines lady

"San Francisco just had a huge earthquake and the airport is down. Sorry no more flights for months."

This can't happen. I have no one. At all. Here I am all alone stuck in a foreign country. There's only one thing to do; hop on a train and hope it doesn't leave you back where you started. "Ok, well now I just have to find a train station" I think. But then I have second thoughts. "Why would I ever just hop onto a random train, it makes no sense." But then again my life has been a whole lie, and come on, whats a little adventure.

In no time I find myself outside the airport asking people where the nearest train station is and they point into a direction that is located right across the street. I go over to the station full of anxiety, but once I get there a true lose of faith pours down upon me. A train ticket is the equivalent to $45 u.s dollars and I have no money. I desperately ask people for money, but none is given to me. Then I ask by standers where a different train station may be and they tell me Kings Cross is not much farther down the road, plus it's cheaper. I have my mind set, Kings Cross is my next adventure.

Once inside Kings Cross, everything is amazing. Well it being that I've never been in a train station before, it was amazing. I walk down onto the platform and walk straight past number 1-8, having it being that instinct was driving me this way. When suddenly I see something very strange. A crowd of about 5 people all having carts full of old books, old looking luggage, and oddly enough they even had crates with owls in them. But whats the strangest I see, is that they're running straight through the walls 9 and 10. Quickly I hide behind one of the pillars, avoiding being seen. Soon enough, they had all disappeared through the wall, but I wanted to follow. And I do. I start to run gaining speed faster, faster, faster heading straight towards the brick wall. And in a split second later I find my self on another platform. Looking all around I see a bright red train reading "Hogwarts Express" and i look up above me and see that I am now on platform 9 and 3\4

hey guys so uh I don't even know if any of you are actually reading this but if you are I just want to clarify some stuff soooooo... I think that in Harry Potter they say that the Muggles can't see you pass through the wall let alone that they themselves can pass through but I'm going to tie into my story that The Ministry of Magic has been having so technical issues and that being one of them.

also sorry if i change the point of view a lot.ya just sorry about that. please keep checking back and reading thanks!!

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