chapter 5

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I wait. I don't want to walk out of there and have eyes staring me down, knowing that I don't belong. 10 minutes. I will wait 10 minutes and then my adventure begins. I set the timer on my phone and take huge gulps of air. This is it. 5 minutes left. 3 minutes. 1 minute. Everything in the train is silent. Everyone is gone. "Time to go" i mumble.
I step outside of he compartment. No one in sight. I make my way out of the train to see clumps and groups of kids. One group near a black lake and the other near a dark forest. I chose to follow the younger kids near the boats. I make my way over towards the kids, who are climbing into boats only to be held up by a VERY large man.
"Heya where is yer robes. You shoulda changed into 'em by now." The man says
"I... um... ummm... I..." I stutter but no words come into place. I really don't belong here.
"Well we don't got all day now, do we? Come on into the boat. Although yer do look a bit old to -er- to be a first year."
"Um yeah... people always say I look older for my age..."
"Yer not from 'ere are ya? I can tell by the way you talk. American are ya?" The man asks
"Uh yeah. Yes, yes American." I answer uncertain of what will happen. He looks at me in a suspicious way, and I'm suddenly afraid he's going to abandon me here alone.
"Well off yer go. Into the boat now, here we go."
He helps me into the boat and right away we sail towards a vast castle that sits right above the lake. I barely have anytime to take in what I see when the man begins to start conversation.
"So -er- since you being from America, what brings ya ter hogwarts?"
"Oh um... I've always wanted to come here..." I lied so quickly I thought he wouldn't believe me but he seemed to take it in as if kids often say that.
"Well um I forgot ter introduce myself. Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid." The man sticks out his giant hand and I take it. My hand feels like a baby's hand in his.
"Jane. I'm Jane." I answer back to him.
"What year are ya in then Jane?"
"Year? What do you mean by year?"
"Sorry there. Forgot you are a newbie. A year is like -er- what muggles would call a grade. If yer 11 yer a first year, if yer 15 yer a fifth year. 'Ere at Hogwarts-..."
"Wait. Muggle? What's a muggle?"
"Wow yer don't know much then do ya? Well a muggle is a non-magic folk. Someone not a wizard or witch."
I laugh at this. This Hagrid guys is totally insane. Witches and wizards he must be mad.
"'Ey what's so funny? Yer never 'eard of Magic?"
"Ha magic, are you mad? Magic isn't real you've got to be kidding right now. If this is a some joke you think is funny, it's not."
"Ahh yer a muggle then. Well... I guess there's only way to convince ya 'bout magic. And that would be ter show ya. But not now I'm not -er- a wizard, I'm actually half giant..."
Nothing is fitting into place. Magic can't possible be real. There's no way. But then again Hagrid is really huge, almost like he really could be half giant. I don't know, my head is spinning. I need rest, now.
"Well Hagrid, are we almost there?" I ask him
"Just about there now. And once we do get ya there, we uh got some business we have to take care of with the headmistress."
"Headmistress?" Honestly this is a totally different world
"Ahh it would be like a muggle -er- watcha call it -er- a... a oh right then a principle. They're in charge o' the school."
"School? Hogwarts is a school?" This day has been crazy.
"'Course it is. Wadda think it was then? Hogwarts is one of the finest wizarding schools out there. And in charge o' it all is o' course Professor Mcgonagall, one of the best out there... Well here we are then, Jane we have arrived at hogwarts."
The last boat, the one in which I am in, pulls up to the docks next to the castle. Everyone was out of the boats already and heading towards the main entrance of the castle. I step out of the boat with the help of Hagrid and look at the castle, Hogwarts.
"We just got ter wait 'ere, most of the kids wouldn't like ter see a muggle 'ere. I mean it's nothin personal at all but -er- we need ter wait and notify the headmistress."
We wait for about 15 minutes and then Hagrid walks me up to the steps. We enter the front doors to find the hall empty.
"We -er- have to talk ter the headmistress. Well you coming then?" I was in so much awe I didn't notice Hagrid had moved.
"Oh... umm yes. I'm coming."
I walk toward Hagrid and we enter a huge hall with four tables all filled with kids and teens. We walk in and everybody goes silent. All the eyes in the hall fall on me. Suddenly, I'm unsure about this journey.

lol I think this chapter is one of the longest but I know the next chapter is just gonna be great... well I hope so. anyways happy new year and I hope you guys keep reading until the very end:)

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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