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As we walked through the never ending road we saw a very friendly...thing….. what am I talking about it wasn't friendly at all. I look at it kind of looks like a Minotaur. Just as always Andrian reads my mind I've gotten used to it now. “Thats a Barnabys you have to stay quiet its blind” he said, “Oh and if you haven't noticed I can read minds, you and Adria have powers but I don't know what they are....Ok you ready...lets go.” 

“ So we don't have a plan. Ya thats definitely safe.” I say as I turn my head to face him, but when my head is fully facing him I don’t see him. I look ahead and see him walking towards the Barnabys.

“You coming or not” he asked 

“I’m coming I’m coming.” 

We slowly walked passed the Barnabys as silently as possible, suddenly I find myself on the ground beneath me.

“ANDRIAN HELP ME PLEASE!!” I scream, no idea what is happening, scared to death, the Barnabys scratching and clawing at my body. I then felt the weight being pushed off of my back. I was set free. I got up and looked to my right finding blood scattered everywhere and a dead Barnabys. I get up slowly aching everywhere. I look down at my arms, I see my arms scratched up blood covering my arms. Then I notice something odd, the scratches were disappearing. Andrian walks towards me and says, “ Oh and by the way we heal ourselves pretty fast”

“Oh now you tell me, thanks so much” I say sarcastically. 

“You are very welcome,” he said helping me off the ground. “ I sure hope I’m not turning you into a paranoid neurotic dragging you through this stuff,” Adrian said standing next to me.

“No don’t stop now,” I say sarcastically, “Its getting good.”

“Hey you seem a little stiff, you ok… are you scared”

“Hmmm let me think, I just got attacked by a huge monster, learned that I'm not fully human, ya definitely not scared.” and that was when the crying began again.

“ Hey I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked” he said his face showing worry. He sat next to and hugged me, “I’m sorry” he whispered. I hugged him back letting him know that it was okay. He pulled me up first closely looking at my angel white wings. He then looked up and said, “ I love you so much you have no idea, you are my brave Mithridates. ”

I looked at him and smiled, “ I tell the tale i heard told, Mithridates he died old” Than I asked a question that I’ve wanted to ask since the beginning of all this, “ Are you really my brother….am I really a dark sprite.” 

He looked down, but I pushed his head to face me as I said, “ I love you too”

A small smile spread across his face as I asked , “What am I Andrian? What life am I supposed to live?” This time he brought my head up and said smiling, “ You are my beautiful angel and what I said earlier I wasn’t lying about your sister is waiting in New York to take you home so we can be free.” I smile happy to have this person in my life, he stands up and gives me his hand.

“ Are you ready to go home” I grab his hand and stand up. He pulls me up into flight and we fly into the sunset.

No Longer Normalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें