I Will Always Protect You

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We flew for about a day playing around in the mist and clouds making figure eights and flying through the clouds. My wings got a little tired so I asked Andrian if we could walk the rest of the way. We barreled down to Earth and landed. I looked up for a second but then Andrian pushed me behind him and said, “Stay still, and be careful”

“ What’s happening I’m scared,” I looked around Andrian to see what was happening and I saw the worst thing you could imagine...nothing. I walked in front of Andrian, “There is nothing here why are you so scared”


“ What..what is it” I flinched, slightly wanting to do as told, to run for my life...but from what. Andrian ran towards me and pushed me out of the way attacking something that apparently I couldn't see the… thing died and became visible to me.

“ Is that..”

“ Yes it is an Akuma or Toori Akuma. Why didn’t you listen to me, you could’ve died ”

“I..I...I’m sorry I thought”

“ You thought i was lying didn’t you, why don’t you trust me. I’ve done everything I could for you and you still don’t trust me, Harmony, what do I have to do to gain your trust.”

“Andrian don’t you understand, you have gained more than my trust you gained every part of me. I don’t know what got into me, im sorry”

Andrian sighed and hugged me still with his scared and worried face showing me I was forgiven. The silence was broken with Andrian saying, “ I will always protect you no matter what”

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