His Last Words

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The ambulances came and took my parents away in a hurry. I of course went with them crying my heart out. Asking so many questions. What am I?

Why did MY parents have to be in this?

How was I not hurt?

Why was I only told I was different now?

Why did this turn to be the worst day ever?


At the hospital I waited for days to hear from my parents. My mom died as soon as we got to the hospital, my dad's in a coma... I won't leave until he wakes up.


One week later my dad wakes up. I sprint to the side of his bed and atomically hug him. He makes the smallest grunt ever and right before he dies he says, " Go.......run away........find your twin sister.........you will know her..........when you see her.... look for her in.....New....York....you are both....spri.............." and he's gone. I can't handle it I break out into tears rewinding his words in my head over and over and over again. I have a twin sister?

We are both....sprites...?

She's in New York?

What kind of sprite a I ......or....... we?

Are my parents really dead?

Am I really alone?

No Longer NormalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora