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We walked through the gate together and I quickly passed through it with Elliot.

"Whats your name?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "Savannah Fedor Ivanov."

He put a hand on his mouth, shocked.

"What?" I inquired.

He shook his head and moved his hands away from his mouth. 

"Why didn't you tell Adrian to come too?" I asked curiously.

A cough escaped through his throat. He paled.

"I don't really feel comfortable around him," he said, averting his glance to the ground.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Boys are complicated," I complained. 

He looked back up and smiled, "Girls are too, but I wouldn't really know."

I raised an eyebrow at that, "Oh?"

He nodded, "Its pretty complicated."

I smiled, twitching a bit.

I wasn't jealous. No.

"Nice sweats," he pointed out, hiding his embarrassment.

"Thanks, your uniform is nice too," I replied.

His smile widened, and he cleared his throat once he caught me staring.

"Well, its time to say goodbye," he said.

'No,' I screamed inside. But in reality, I pretended to accept the fact.

"Okay, see you soon Elliot!" I cheered.

His lips stretched into a smile once again, "You too."

I nodded, and walked towards the seats in the terminal.

I watched him walk away, noticing his smile widen when he turned and waved again.

I took a seat, for half an hour, before I watched Adrian approach me with a small plastic bag.

He placed the plastic bag between us as he sat down.

"I'm so sorry! He forced me to leave with him. I literally thought he found my dad between alot of morons," I lied.

I could've said no.

But I didn't.

He rushed a reply, "Its his fault. You always apologize when you're so innocent."

He caught his breath, and then said, "Our flight is delayed for another two hours."

I nodded, trying to make him feel comfortable.

"You're an awesome friend, Adrian," I said.

"Say it back?" I asked.

I expected a nod, but he just shook his head. I assumed that the disappointment on my face was obvious, because he nodded politely.

I didn't want to embarrass myself like last and force him onto saying it, but he did anyway.

"I agree, you too though," he replied.

I took him by the arm, and loosened my grip.

We chatted for a bit, before I left for fresh air.

I walked towards a small cafe in the airport. 

"Excuse me, I want to order an americano and one black coffee, Large size," I said.

i directly looked up and read the cafe's name.

"Fedor cafe," it said.

I froze in my place. 

I mean, my second name is pretty common, right?

Yeah, sure.

I looked infront of me, realizing who the barista was.

I tried breathing properly, but I couldn't.

I tried to look at him straight in the eyes, and I unfortunately did.

"My order please, sir," I said.

He tried avoiding eye contact, and so did I.

Until he turned back away from the coffee machine and broke the eye contact.

He stared right through my eyes.

"Take me back with you."

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