Chapter 14

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I was in the hall, leaning on a locker texting when I saw liam pace past me. He walked really fast and bit his nails indicating that he was nervous for some reason.
"Hey Liam slow down," I chuckled and ran after him. He stopped and turned trying his best to hide how nervous he was by giving me a warm smile.
"Where you going that fast?" I asked.
"Boys locker room," he replied bluntly.
"You're nervous," I smirked, "why?"
"I'm not nervous!"
"I'm not supernatural but I can practically smell it off you Liam," I rolled my eyes. He laughed nervously and looked down.
"We're playing Devenford prep today, again!" I sighed in understanding. The last time liam played against them he got hurt pretty bad. If it weren't for his werewolf strength he definitely would've broken something.
"Oh I understand, but you know Brett isn't as scary now that you know that he's a fellow werewolf, right?" I reassured him. He shrugged,
"I guess." I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Plus I'll be there to cheer you on," he smiled and looked in my eyes.
"Yeah, we're friends. We are friends right?" He smiled and nodded. I sighed relieved, after I had forgiven him for the bonfire incident I wasn't 100% sure if we were still friends or not.
"Well? Don't you need you go to the boys locker room?" I reminded him.
"Oh yeah! See ya at the game!" But before he could run off stiles came into view.
"Hey stiles have you seen scott?" Liam called. Instead of answering stiles just ignored him and went into the locker room.
"Hey!" I shouted as I stormed in.
"He asked you a question Stiles." Liam followed behind me soon after. Stiles rolled his eyes at me.
"Everything's fine, he said he might be a bit late."
"Late? He can't be late! You're playing devenford prep! Did he forget how that went last time?" I exasperated.
"Scott and Kira went on a date, they'll both be late."
"How late is late?" Liam asked, "is he usually late? He shouldn't be late we're playing devenford prep."
Suddenly, coach Finstock appeared and squinted his eye pointing at me as if he was about to ask why I was there. Then he just rolled his eyes and turned his attention to liam and stiles.
"Who shouldn't be late?" He grumbled.
"Scott," Liam said after a moment of awkward silence.
"And Kira," I added.
"They might be slightly late," Stiles told him.
"Slightly late is still late," coach frowned, "what are they doing?"
"Something that's making them late," Stiles said clearly improvising.
"What could they be doing right now!" Coach yelled, "that's more important than the first game?"
"Oh coach," stiles sighed. I sighed as well as I left.

I was making my way to the bleachers when a strong hand stopped me and spun me around.
"There's the girl that slapped me," Brett smirked, "I've been looking for you."
"Go away Brett," I rolled my eyes.
"Because even though I know you're werewolf I'm not scared to fight you." He smirked at me held his grip tighter on my arm. I heard a cough and looked behind Brett, thanks to his tall height I only saw a bit but enough to recognise who it was.
"Hi Brett." Brett swung his head around and his smirk dropped when he saw Liam. When he was staring at liam I took that as an opportunity to rip my arm out of his grip. He looked back at me and rolled his eyes. Not bothering to say anything he walked off to his teammates on the field.
"Thanks but I had it sorted," I said as I rubbed the marks Brett's werewolf strength had left on my arm.
"Sure you did, you ok?" Liam asked pointing to the marks. I nodded and smiled.
"You're welcome by the way," he smirked cockily.
"For what? You said hi Brett and that's it. I did the rest," I returned the smirk as he rolled his eyes. "Don't you have a lacrosse game to play?" He snapped his head to the field and back at me.
"Wish me luck," and with that he was off running to his teammates. I smiled to myself and whispered, knowing he could here me, "good luck."

The game started off normal, for 10 minutes or so nothing interesting happened until two devenford prep players crashed into stiles, knocking him to the floor. I gasped and shot to my feet ready to run onto the field, then I remembered that wasn't aloud and reluctantly sat back down. Liam jogged over to stiles to make sure he was okay. The other team scored a goal and coach screamed in frustration, "COME ON!" I ran to the bench stiles was now sitting on and Liam came soon after.
"Any updates?" I asked but he just shook his head.
"Scott and Kira aren't answering my texts or calls," he sighed. "I need to find out what's going on."
"You can't leave in the middle of the game!" I shouted a bit too loud.
"What are you gonna tell coach?" Liam asked. I glanced over at coach who looked more stressed than usual.
"Don't tell him anything," stiles ordered. Liam gave him a worried look and stiles patted his shoulder reassuringly, "you'll be fine. Alright?" Then he turned to me, "make sure he doesn't turn in front of everyone." And with that he was gone. Running away from us. I smiled at liam walking back to the bleachers. The game started again, Liam had the ball first and I thought he was gonna shoot when a devenford prep player hit Liam's stick knocking the ball out. I thought liam would try to get the ball back but instead he stood frozen in the middle of the field.
Liam gave his head a small shake as if he was in a trance. Other players ran past him and all he could do was watch them score, even with his supernatural abilities the players were to far for him to catch up.
"Come on liam," I mumbled under my breath. I got a bit more hope when I saw he was in another face off. He got the ball and ran past all the Devenford players swiftly. Just as he got to the goal Brett pushed past him and roughly blocked his path. The referee blew his whistle and Liam angrily ripped his helmet off. Brett also took off his helmet and they started talking about- I have no idea I couldn't hear. Although I couldn't hear what they said I could tell liam wasn't happy. It must've not been too serious because soon enough they put their helmets back on and parted their ways on the field.

After just over half an hour later the atmosphere was glum and everyone was angry. The disappointing game where Devenford prep had beaten us had everyone upset. The players left the field and I saw most of them leave but couldn't spot liam anywhere. I got up and went to the boys locker rooms. As I got to the door I heard some whispering. I peaked through and noticed Brett and Liam. I tried listening but only heard some mumbles. Suddenly they stopped and both turned to me. My face went completely red in embarrassment.
"I'm interrupting something, I'll go," I stated more than questioned.
"No we're finished," Brett smirked and left the room.
"What were you talking about?" I asked curiously.
"Scott, he says I'm lucky to be part of his pack. And on the field he said he could smell my fear," Liam sighed.
"Fear? What are you scared of?" I took a step closer to him. He looked down and stepped back.
"Kate's berserkers?" I questioned. He nodded glumly.
"Ever since that night on the rooftop I've been seeing them. It's stupid."
"No, no it's not stupid at all." He looked up and our eyes met for a second before he looked away.
"Scott wasn't scared. Kira wasn't scared. Not even you were scared, it's only me," he sighed.
"Not scared! I'm terrified! But I just block the thought out of my head, otherwise they would be haunting me 24/7. It's normal to be scared liam," I stepped closer to him and put my hand on his arm. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. I took it out my pocket hoping to receive good news but got the opposite. I felt my face turn white.
"What?" Liam gave me the most worried look possible. I couldn't speak. Instead I passed him my phone and within seconds his face turned the same shade of white as mine.

Stiles: Scott and Kira kidnapped in Mexico

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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