Chapter 13

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Teyana's Pov

I sit as still as death, A single tear run's down my cheek as the maid wash's my hair.

Michael had tried to calm me but it didnt work, he know's nothing of the hell I'm going to.

I shake my head violently no I will not cry for him!

" Come on Beauty!" james shout's joyfully, before grabing my arm and dragging me out of my sell.

I follow him, his finger's intertwined with mine.

We stop infront of a black, old car.

A man a least twice my height step's out, he's odly familiar.

Than he smile's evily and I know him, my father.

He smie's at me evily when he see's the recognition in my eye's.

" I can take her from here James." He say's in his strong gruff voice.

I shiver at his touch, he drag's me toward's the car, I turn my head back to see regret plaster'd across Jame's face,

" Teyane!!!!!!!" Michael below's from the house, he start's to sprint for me but James stop's him holding him back.

The evil look returning to his eye's, I turn my head away from the only friend I ever had,

Goodbye Michael.

" Come on." My father growl's.

From sheer reflex I fall into step behind him, he does'nt worry about me running, he know's I wont, he know's even tho he put me through hell I still crave his approvale.


We pull up at a air port, he hand's me a fake id and passport.

We may not have money but daddy know's pepeole in high place's, and one wrong look will have you on your knee's begging for mercy.

we get out of the car and he buy's two ticket's to Zimbabwe, I use to dream of this day returning to my small comunity, my big family, but know it just scare's me the thought of returning.

We go and start to bored the plain, he put's me in the seat next to the window and sit's right beside me.

I fins as much strenth as I can and ask shily " How's mom?" He snort's " Dead." I fell my eye's start to water, I had blamed her for so long because she didnt protect me but now knowing that I'm going back to that hell and her warm arm's wont even be waiting for me, it hurt's alot.

He look's down at me smirk's " And just remember kid its all your fault and these ten year's were only the beginig of your punishment."
I tremble at him word's annd brake out into tear's.

A flight attendent stop's and look's at me pityfully, " Ohhh, dont worry hun the plain aint going to crash it's alright kiddo."

I look away from her nodding,

If only she knew it was'nt going to be ok for me.

If only she knew the last little bit's of my world were crumbling around me.

If only someone knew and could help me...


I nodded of two hour's into the flight, only to be woken up from a car engine starting, I jump started.

My father laugh's at me, I just shake my head trying to remember what happened...

I frown remembering were I am.

I look out the window and I'm right, I would recognize this land anywere I may have only been for but you never forget your root's.

I am in Africa.


James Pov

I walk back into the house laughing, my brother following behind me sulking that his only friend is gone.

I walk up to my room and lay on my bed, That'll teach her for trying to escape, sending her back to her dad.

HA! i bet she does'nt even realise just how cruel he actually is,

my dad had explained to me never to get on his bad side or else the consiquence's would be dire.

I shiver at the emmory of what he was doing to me when he told me that.

But soon I'll have my Teyana back, very soon.

Or will he get in the way?

A pain hit's me in the chest like the one from before and for the first time since In was five I want to cry,

The girl I may love is gone,

Because I through her to the devil himself,

The guilt eat's at me until I fall into a sleep haunted by her beautiful eye's shining with tear's.

What am I becoming?


Michael Pov,

I stalk up to my room, shaking with rage.

How dare he sentence her to hell!

He does'nt even know the orrible thing's that are going to happen to her!

But I do I know everything about her, her first memory, her first rape her first everything, all her fear's.

She told me while takinhg comfort in my arm's,

I dont know why I feel like this!

Why I can't be away from her!

Why I want to hold her!

Why I need to protect her...


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