Chapter 5 Lucky number five

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I fell asleep that night to a sleep filled with nightmares, I dont really remember my dad, but what I do remember of him isn't good.

I remember my mother's scream's as he would rape and beat her, I remember my scream's of when he would beat me, I remember his hands covered in my eldest brother's blood after he murdered him...I remember the day he sold me, the pain of being raped for the first time at five.

I wake in a cold sweat, I can't help but start to weep pitifully to myself, "NO!" i scream to myself ive cryed enough ive been hurt enough. I'm sudenly filled with a determination that I havent felt in year's, the will to survive, the wil to escape.

I stand abdruptly wrapping the house coat around myself, I walk the perimeter of the small closet like room, no window's,no way out but the door.

My head wips in the dirrection of the door when I sudenly hear foot steps aproaching, I stand and stare as the door open's.

The burly dark haired guard from last night comes in I give him alook that could kill than say " You, if you see my dad tell him, he dug his own hell and I'm the demon that's going to crawl out." The man just looked at me and shook his head sadly and droped the bag he was carrying near the door.

I can't help wondering what that was all about, curiosity gets the better of me so I go check out the bag, in it their's some clean underwear and a tight black tank with preciouse scrolled acroos the front, a pair of booty shorts and some black strappy heel's.

When I dump the bag to get changed a note fall's from it, I pick it up and it read's,

My Dear Beauty,

Today you shall join me for breakfast to discuss your punnishment for dissobediance last night.

Sincerly James.

" Hhhmm I guess your name is James." I mumble to myself.

After I'm changed a guard comes and lead's me to James my master, when he see's me coming he smirks his badboy smirk and signal's for me to sit across from him.

" Good morning Teyana, How's was your sleep?" I give him a bitchy look and say " You know how it was their's camera's all over my room." His smile broaden's " Finaly your unbreakable self show's." I  give him a look of utter disapointment " You wanted to talk about my punishment?...James" His smile fades and he repies cooly " You shall never call me by my name out oof bed and as for your punishment, what did your other master's do." I give him the stank eye and say " They would wip me beat me, rape me, or all of the above...J.A.M.E.S" He looks pissed.

James stands up abdruptly and flips the table, i try to get up to run but his hand snake's out and grabs me by the hair pulling me back to him, I can't help but let a litle screech come out when he rips out a good chunk of hair.

He smile's wikedly and laugh's pulling me closser he presse's my body against his and puts his outh to my ear " From know on you will refer to me as sir or Master, and as for your punishment my sweet you'll be wiped five times with the barbed wip." He lick's my ear before pulling away and jogging up the stairs to the house.

He stops at the door and yell's at the guard " Take her to the courtyard and chain her too the ground." The guard nods his head in respect and motion's for me to follow. I put my hand on my hip and stay were i am, he smirks at me and raises his brow before walking over grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder I pound his back with my fist's but it's like he dosn'[t feel a thing.

Ater a few more minuts of screaming at him to put me down and hitting him he drops me on the ground and grabs chain's that are attached to two nslab's of cement and cjhains me to them.

I wait their for baqrely a minute before James appear's with a deadly looking wip. Its black leather with what looks like a bunch of barbed wire wrapped around it. He look's at me and smile's " Know my dear for your punishment." Than he walk's behind me pull's back his arm, I clench my fist digging my nail's into my palm, than with a crack the wip come's down.

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