Chapter 14

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''Teyana.'' My eyes snap open instantly and I stare up at Jacob, how the hell did he get here? Better question where am I and when did I fall asleep again?

''J-Jacob'' I stutter not sure what to say. He smiles weirdly at me, it makes me want to cry it's the smile he use to give me when we were young.

''Teyana I am so sorry.'' He suddenly breaks down crying his eyes out...what the fuck? I back as far away from him as I can on the hard mattress I'm laying on ''Jacob I-I don't know what you're playing at b-but I c-can't take it anymore.'' He sobs louder and forcefully pulls me into a tight hug.

''Please forgive me baby sister I never meant to do the things I did, father he brainwashed me...called yo a witch because of your eyes...he said so many horrible things. He made it out to sound like you killed mom and I just couldn't handle it.'' I start to cry to and for a second lean into his arms but every bad thing anyone has done to me in the past years suddenly rush to my mind, I push him away and scream ''YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN TO ME!?!?...I thought you were dead then when I find out you're not I thought you would save me but no...You're just like the rest of them.''

He moves off the bed starring at me shocked ''I'm so sorry...'' He repeats it twice before leaving.

How dare he ask me for forgiveness I hate him I really hate him...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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