Chapter 12 father's pride

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Teyana Pov

He hasnt called on me, he hasnt come to me, he barely sends food to me.

Is he trying to forget me?

The girl he beat to within an inch of her life, the girl he scared for life.

My flawless complexion know ruined by the four inch scar starting on my cheek going down to my chin.

Its been closse to a month since that night, I'm completly healed but I really dont care, I still hurt, I still cry.

I'm lost in my thoughts when my sell door open's, I turn my head to see Michael coming in, I smile at him and stand up.

Sice he came back to help me weve become friends I guess,

"Hi Teyana." He says with a shy smile,\

" Hi Michael, so uhh whats going on in the house?" I ask kinda cluelessly.

He smiles sadly " Well nothing good." he says before a sob wrack's his body and he fall's to his knee's.

I rucsh over to the Six foot two man and hold him in my arms as he sobs,

" Shhhh, its ok it'll get better soon you'll be able to just block it out. " He sobs in my tiny arms and turn's towards me looking me in the eye's.

" He's 20 I'm 25 yet he still countrols me." I feel bad for him, I know how he feel's I'm fourteen and Ive gone through shit no kid should have to.

He regains his composeur, and we just sit their talking about nothing really.

" Michael! Michael!!!" We hear shouting from outside my door before James comes in he looks over the room before his eye's land on us a smirk comes to his lips.

" So  this is were you always run off to? Making friends are we?"

Michael stands up and I copy him sudenly feeling really small between the two huge men.

" sorry James I'll go back to the house."

James snorts " No you dont." he says grabing his brother's shoulder and pushing him down on his knee's.

He looks at me and smirks pointing to his brother than to the floor, I kneal to.

He unzips his pants and signales to Michael to do the rest, Michael starts to give James a blow job and I'm repulsed, how can he do this to his own brother??

Sudenly James is pulling away from Michael and coming towards me, I wince as he grabs the back of my head and push's me forward countroling me by pulling my hair bback and forth I just blare it all out going to my happy place.

After a few minuts he shoots his load in my mouth and I'm forced to swallow it.

He pull's away and does up his pants smirking,

" Ive trained you both so well"

In unisson me and Michael look to the ground, James turns to leave Michael gets up to follow but James turns on him and sniker's.

" Uh uh uh a little slut like yourself will be staying with all my other sluts." Michael stops in his track's and stares dagger's at his brother.

James just laugh's before leaving and locking the door, Michael starts to mutter every swear under the moon, I stay knealing their the thought's I havnt hade in such a long time come flooding back.

" Does god exist?" I ask Michael snapping him out of his rant.

He looks to me eye's full of pity he comes over and kneels beside me taking me in his arms hoisting me up till hes holding me like a baby.

" No he doesnt. Its that siple if he did he would of helped us by know and if he does exist than he proabably a fucking huge jackass for leaving us here. "

I hold back my tears he sits down and starts to rock me " Why did this happen to me?" I ask inocenty.

He rubs my back a frown going to his face " I dont know you dont derserve this."

And for the first time in a long time I find comfort in the touch of another human being.

James Pov

I left the sell felling so good about myself,

They said she couldnt be broken, Ha! Well I just broke her.

I smile to myself smugly as I think about how for once she didnt even fight me.

I step through the door, to see Jacob standing their.

I smile thinking to myself of ways to make hm pay for takling me.

" Soooo Jacob." he looks to me and starts to look anxiouse.

" S-sir." He says

" You know your sister Teyana? She's fucking good at blow jobs." I say smilling.

He looks at me his eye's darkening " Thats what I hear." He says simply.

I smile " You remember how everyone use to say how The African Beauty was unbreakable?"

He nods smugness coming to his expression.\

" Well I broke her!" I ay happily.

The smugness drains from his face before it returns to its normale no bull shit look.

He nods and I walk away snikering to myself, I love taunting the guy.

My dad would be so proud of me, I cat help thinking he would finally approve of me.

I walk through the house just wonderin around aimlessly when my cell rings,

" Yellow?" I awnser

" Hello James, Mr Daking speaking you know Jacobs father?"

I smile to myself " Of course I remember you we baugt one of our girls off you!"

I hear a sniker on the other line " Yes well about that piece of merchandise, I would like to buy her back."

I smirk, not going to happen but before I can say anything he cuts in " I'll pay 2 million." My jaw drops.

I say " R-really?" He laugh's " Yes son I hear she'll be able to win it all back." I smirk and say " Deal" Before hanging up.

Oh dad would be proud.

Teyana's Pov

I wake up to Michael shaking me gently awake, " Somones coming Teyana."

I open my eye's and stand up in time before James burst through the door smilling.

" GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!" He yell's

I look at him quizzicly He smirks before pointing at me " Your getting out a here!" He say's kinda weirdly almost like he wanted to say it joyfully but somthing stoped him like the thought didnt make him happy.

Michael standing beside me instantly

" What do you meen?" He sneers at his brother an arm wrapping around me protectivly.

The smile goes back to James face replaacing the confusion that was their a second ago " Her daddy dearest baught her back." He say gleefully.

My jaw drops before I brake out into frantic tears, no no no!

Michael lifts me up bride style and holds me closse to his chest protectivly,

" HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!?" He sneers at James, James just smile's and shrugs before leaving.

I sob into Michaels shoulder, he hush's me and try's to calm me down but I just keep crying.

James just sentenced me to a brand new hell.

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