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Kate p.o.v

Today, Leo and my parents will meet. I'm so nervous. Neither my parents nor Leo's parents are happy about the baby. I just hope everything goes well.

I put on a blue dress that came to my knees. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes ran to my stomach. I had a small bump. I put my hand on it and smiled. I'm kinda excited about the baby.

"Kate we have to go" my mother's yelling interrupted my thinking.

"I'm coming," I said, taking my jacket with me.

We got in the car and headed to Leo's house. We parked in front of it. I slowly got out of the car and headed for the front door. My dad knocked and Leo's mom opened them.

"Hello, I'm Kristen," she said, extending a hand to my dad.

"Joe," my dad said and they shook hands.

My dad walked into the house and then my mom. I came in last.

Leo stood there and greeted my parents while I greeted him. When we said hello to everyone, Leo came up to me and hugged me.

"Hey, you ready," he whispered in my ear as we hugged.

I nodded when we parted.


Soon we were all sitting at a table. Our parents were getting to know each other while Leo and I were sitting in silence.

"All right, let's get to why we're here," Leo's mom said and looked at us "what's your plan"

I swallowed hard.

"We will raise a child together. It'll be with Kate, but I'll visit it often. I will find a job and go to school, and Kate will go to school until she gives birth, then she will attend online school."Leo replied.

I was so grateful that I didn't have to say that.

„Online school," my mom said "You need to go to a normal school. And who did you ask if the baby can live with us!"

"I thought that was okay," I replied with fear.

My mom shook her head no. My dad took a deep breath.

"None of this would happen if your son knew how to use protection," my dad said.

"What" Leo's dad interrupted him "as far as I know your daughter doesn't know either"

All four of them started arguing. I didn't know what to do. Leo held my hand under the table. I looked at him. He smiled and said everything would be fine. I really hope it will be.

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