Its Been So Long Pt.2

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Warning: This contains themes of depression and suicide. Please read at your own disclosure. I do not own HXH characters. Happy reading!

Gons POV

Two more days...two more dreadfully lonely days and I can leave everyone alone. It'll be the end of my worthless...whatever no time to whine over it.

I slump on my couch and stare at the ceiling. There's never anything to do anymore. I haven't payed the attentants and they are ready to kick me out. They said they'd give me a week. Lucky for them I won't be here to ruin their lives like I do to others.

I hear a knocking on my door but just try to ignore it. They continued to knock but eventually left me alone. Good. I don't need to barge into someone else's life with my dumb commentary. So I sit there again. Nothing to do without hurting someone. Nothing. Like me.


Killua had just arrived back at his room. His sister tackled him when he opened the door. He laughed as she dragged him towards something Leorio and her had been watching together. Leorio got up and wrapped an arm around Killuas shoulders.

"Get off me old man!" Leorio laughed and ruffled Killuas already unruly hair making Killua glare at him.

"Did you get up there?" Killua asked and Leorio tensed up.

"Yeah, but no Gon. There was one room though. I wasn't able to get in. I don't know if they were gone, but they never answered the door." Killua nodded and sighed to himself.

"Well you know what we have to do know?" Killua asked very condescendingly.

"" Killua rolled just eyes and sighed in irritation.

"We gotta break in obviously."

"But what if it isn't Gon and we just broke into some random persons room?"

"We tell them we're Hunters looking for someone. They either believe and let us off the hook or don't but don't say anything."

"Mmm...that could work. Let's do it then." Killua smiled and rubbed Allukas head a little. She got the message and smiled up at him.

They got up into the Celebrity Suit easy enough despite the security levels that were up there. They reached the room Leorio mentioned he couldn't get into and knocked. Not receiving an answer, they knocked more. Eventually Killua gave up and busted the door down with one kick.

They yelled into the pitch black room, not getting a response again. Killua began searching the room for anything that could suggest Gon was here. He hadn't found much of anything in the room if he was honest. Just the average furniture that you get from being in a Hotel. He reached the bedroom and began rummaging through drawers and even the bed sheets. Under the sheets he found a razor. It looked like it used to go to an exacto-knife or something of that degree.

It was rusty and dull, Killua couldn't tell if there was blood on it but secretly hoped that there wasn't. He set it down and continued looking around. He went through the bottom drawer on the dresser and at the bottom he found something that totally gave away who lived here.

There was the green shorts and jacket Gon used to wear all the time. Killua stares down at the outfit and slowly brought it out of the drawer, setting it on his lap. A tear slid down his face and onto the jacket that created a small darker green spot on it. His hands clutched to the outfit as he remembered everything he and Gon used to do together and how he just left Gon all alone.

Leorio yelled for Killua and stepped into the bedroom before stopping quickly. It was uncharacteristic to see Killua kneeling on the ground crying. He had no idea what to do but sit there and stare. He knew how desperate Killua must be getting. They felt like the were loosing time. The sooner they found Gon the sooner they could all relax.

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