Chapter 3

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Clutching two bags of food, Jamie followed Polly to her car. He'd insisted on carrying not only his own bag, but hers as well. Jamie knew she'd object, but he thought it was only right. He was raised to take care of a lady and do all he could for her. In the end, she agreed and let him carry the bags. He didn't know if she truly appreciated it or if she was just being polite, but truth be told, he didn't really care. He was just glad to see her again and know she was doing well.

Reaching her car, he dutifully placed the bags on her back seat and, on her urging, sat himself down in the front passenger seat.

During the short drive to her house, Jamie looked at her thoughtfully. She had hardly changed at all since he and the Doctor had left her and Ben that day at Gatwick Airport. She still had that long, golden blonde hair, was dressed very nicely and had that cheeky smile. She was still pretty as ever. He'd meant that in a totally platonic way, of course; he was well aware, even not long after he'd joined them in the TARDIS, that she and Ben had feelings for one another. From the way she spoke of him and the ring on her finger, he was glad they had finally consummated those feelings.

He then thought about the friend whom she'd introduced to him. She was fairly petite and had dark hair past her shoulders in a shade similar to his own. She seemed a bit shy, which Jamie found endearing. The way her mood seemed to change when Polly asked her to join them really threw him, especially the way she just ran out of the market. It made him wonder if he'd done something to upset her, even though he couldn't think of anything offensive as he replayed the events in his mind. Ah, lassies could be such a puzzle ... perhaps it was best if he didn't agonize over it. Still ...

"Hey, you!" a voice next to him suddenly made him jump and snap out of his deep thoughts.

"Ah!" he yelped.

Polly giggled. "We're here," she told him, gesturing to the familiar house. She turned back to him and he found her expression had changed to one of concern. "You alright? You looked like you were lost, there."

Jamie sighed. "Aye. Just been thinking aboot ... y'know ... things." Polly gave him a smile that seemed sympathetic in nature. He was about to say more when his stomach growled loud enough for both of them to hear and he felt his cheeks grow hot. "Och, I really am fair famished," he finished sheepishly.

Polly laughed. "Well let's go inside so I can cook you a decent meal, you silly boy!"

She ruffled up the hair on top of his head, causing him to scowl playfully before a lopsided grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. He stopped only to push the fringe back from his eyes and then rose from the seat, going around to the back of her car and picking up one of her grocery bags. He was about to reach for the other when he noticed it was gone. He lifted his gaze to find Polly had already grabbed it. He reached out to take it from her and she gave him a firm shake of the head.

"I'm fine," she insisted.

Jamie rolled his eyes briefly but followed her up the front stairs and to the door. He watched her fumble for her key for some time and shook his head. She was about to place the bag on the ground when Jamie reached over and took it from her. He expected her to protest but she didn't say a word. She only gave him a little nod as she searched deeper in her purse, her brow wrinkled in apparent frustration.

"Ah! There we are," she suddenly exclaimed. She turned to him with a contrite expression before unlocking the door, pushing it open and gesturing him to follow. Jamie nodded, picking both bags up and entering behind her.

Polly had switched a light on in the entrance way and Jamie looked all around as he followed her through the house. He saw a lounge which reminded him of the one from when Isobel lived there. Suddenly he could see Zoe standing there, wearing the feather boa and posing for photographs. A sad smile twitched at his lips before he shook himself out of the memory. He followed Polly down a short corridor and then on the left was a room he presumed to be the kitchen. She'd switched on another light and then gestured for him to place the bags on a counter.

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