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The Doctor pushed a button and, once the TARDIS doors had opened, gestured outside.

"There you are. Paris, April the twentieth, seventeen hundred and forty-six."

Nodding, Jamie walked past him toward the open doors. Stopping in front of them, he gazed at the view stretched out before him: a gently rolling hillside with a path down the middle framed on each side by flowers and hedge rows. It was laid out almost like a park.

All he could do for a moment was stare in awe. Finally his feet started to move and he slowly stepped outside the TARDIS. His boots hitting the soft grass, he noticed it was slightly damp as if it had just rained. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air of his new surroundings. There was a faint floral scent mingling with the smell of wet grass. It was definitely different from the familiar smells of his homeland, not to mention those of the TARDIS.

His mind lingered on that last thought and he suddenly stopped, turned and saw the Doctor standing in the doorway, watching him.

Overcome with emotion, he rushed back to the Time Lord, hugging him tightly and sniffling to drive away the tears that had formed at the corners of his eyes.

"Take care of yourself, Jamie," the Doctor said, stepping back and ruffling up Jamie's hair.

Jamie couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face as he smoothed his hair down. After exchanging goodbyes one last time, Jamie eyed the Doctor seriously.

"Don't be a stranger, now."

"I won't McCrimmon. Ya got my word."

Nodding, Jamie managed a slight grin as he stepped away from the Doctor and headed back for the TARDIS doors. He turned to face the Doctor again, giving him a final wave.

He'd walked a few paces when he suddenly heard the familiar whirring sound of the TARDIS behind him. Turning back around, he watched as the blue box slowly dematerialized until it was gone, his dear friend along with it.

Jamie stared at that empty space for a few moments before he accepted the finality of the situation. He'd asked for some time and space from traveling with the Doctor, and the Time Lord had granted his wish. All he could do now was leave this spot and begin his journey to reclaim the part of himself he'd abandoned the moment he'd joined the Doctor and his new friends in the TARDIS.

Waylaid In LondonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora