There was a pause.

"Who is she?"

"Our new assistant principal. She's human. Her daughter is the new friend we were telling you about and she'll want to know what's going on. We, of course, will say nothing but if her mother is mated to our Beta..."

Another pause.

"I will talk with Jordan. For now it's best to keep quiet." The Alpha said.

"Is it still alright for Tracy to come on Saturday?"

"That's fine but make sure she leaves before 3. Alpha Andrew of the Brierwoods called me and said that a Hunter wanted to speak with me."

"A Hunter? Is it an assassination attempt?"

"I've known Alpha Andrews for a very long time. He's never given me a reason to mistrust him but we'll be at full alert. Your brother will be back by then and he'll be at the meeting too."

"Okay. I have to get back to class."

"Alright son. Have a good day."

"Thanks dad."

Connection broke as Jack closed his mind to the link.

"Well?" Reilly asked noticing Jack's eyes re-animate.

"He just said to act like we don't know anything. He'll talk to Beta Jordan later." Jack said.

"We better go back in..." Landon said hesitantly, "This feels so awkward. I'm going to have to keep an eye on the Beta to make sure he doesn't do something really embarrassing."

"What do you mean?" Reilly asked.

"Well you've seen how mated couples act when they're first together." Landon said.

Jack and Reilly cringed as they remembered all the disgusting goo-goo eyes, cuddling, and spit swaps they've had to witness.

"That's just gross." Reilly said slightly freaking out, "Dude is waaay too old for this."

"While it may be natural to werewolves to behave that way immediately." Landon continued, "Tracy's mom is human and Jordan's sudden appearance and clingy-ness might scare her off. Especially since Tracy's dad just died last year."

Jack nodded, "She doesn't understand the concept of mates and neither does Tracy.... well this sucks."

"I don't know," Reilly said with a sudden grin, "It might be hilarious to watch my bad ass old man trying to date... awkward... but hilarious. Do you think he still gets wood?" Cringing again he begins to jump around dramatically, "NOPE! Nevermind. AHHH! My brain! My poor poor brain!"

"Speaking of Tracy," Landon said clearing his throat, "Were going to have to talk to Greg about what happened. He almost went full werewolf on Tracy."

"Yeah," Reilly said looking thoughtful for once, "I know we heal quickly but damn I could have sworn I heard his ribs crack. How did someone as small as Tracy manage to break a werewolf's bone?"

Jack shook his head, "I have no idea."

"Lucky punch?" Landon suggested looking skeptical while the others mirrored his doubt.

Their speculation was cut short when their ears picked up a ringing sound, "Oh crap! We better get to class."


"Are those Mentos?" Reilly asked turning around in his chair to look at Tracy. She raised a brow in question.

"I unzipped my bag, barely touched the packet, and you're asking? How did you know?" Tracy asked smiling.

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