Chapter 11: Fitz

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I couldn't make out what just happened. I was twitching in fear as I quickly walked the city streets.

My beauty turned into some kind of monster. It was the scariest things I've ever seen. There was something strange about those people and it's something I surprisingly wanted to know more about.

When I reached my apartment, I didn't sleep. I used my specific skills and tried to find Calli and Athan on the internet. But there was nothing I could find that remotely linked to them.


Due to the lack of sleep, I went to work on fumes, barely keeping it together.

"You ok Fitz?" Marjorie asked handing me some caffeinated tea.

I snapped out of my daze, realizing I somehow got to work in one piece despite not remembering how I got there. I still had Calli's picture on my computer.

"Were you able to meet the mystery woman?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah." I grumbled, sipping on the hot tea that was give. Although I was more of a coffee person, any sort of caffeine would largely help me at this point.

Marjorie squealed like a little girl. "How did it go? What was she like?"

"Marj, please don't." I shushed, rubbing my temples.

"Oh sorry." she said sounding a little offended.

"I'm sorry but I didn't sleep a wink because I couldn't find any information on her." I said yawning.

She looked surprised. "You lost sleep because you were trying to stalk her online?"

My eye twitched.

"I'm not stalking her!" I snapped.

Marjorie looked scared.

I let out a big sign. "I'm sorry. I was just.." I tried to think of a believable excuse. "...looking for her number because I lost it."

She smiled widely. "So you DID get her number! You sly dog, you!"

I smiled weakly and went back to editing photos. It was impossible for nothing to be on the internet about her. There just had to be something.

"I'm going to take my break early Marj." I said standing up and stretching all my tiredness away.

"Well, while you're out, do you mind grabbing a bunch of home and garden magazines from the library?" she asked.

I nodded as I headed out the door.

I grabbed a coffee on the way, in hopes it would help with my lack of energy. I walked into the magazine section and grabbed as many home and garden magazines as I could, before something caught my eye.

There, posing neutrally on a very old looking business magazine cover was that guy, Athan.

I grabbed the it and flipped to his column.

"Young bachelor makes his first million...."

I scanned and read the rest of the column.

"Jonathan Gregory, makes a million dollars in booming casino business in Las Vegas, Nevada."

Casino business, eh? But Calli seems like a humble soul, working at a soup kitchen and all. He was some rich pompous guy , or so I read, and she seemed to keep to herself. I wonder how they would've met in the first place, being from two different worlds.

My eyes glanced at the magazine date.

1948?! It must be one of those doppelganger relatives or something? But even for a doppelganger, he still looked exactly like the same dude I encountered last night.

My curiosity fueled my energy at this point as I took the magazine along with the others and checked them out of the library.

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