Chapter 6: Athan

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Her actions stung me.

I disappeared from Calli's apartment and into the night, Corina's voice trailing away. I needed to get away. Get away from the city lights, Corina's irritating voice, and as far away from Calli as I possibly could.

I traveled into the deep woods where I could just get the peaceful sounds of nature. I sat on a boulder above a steep cliff overlooking the rest of the forest.

I've loved Calli since I laid eyes on her. Everyone did. But I was still confused as to what happened that night she left and cut us off with such crude closure.

I stared at the descending moon.

Why are you doing this to us Callidora? You were my reason for going on so long. You were my faith for our future race. Why must you break my heart over and over again leaving me in my own madness?

Suddenly, I felt the gravity shift within me.

A summon.

As much as I didn't want to return under the same roof as Corina, I couldn't ignore the calling. I dispersed and traveled to the mansion.

When I got there, Corina was waiting for me at the entrance with a worried look on her face. 

"Why didn't you come home right away, my love?" she asked with pitiful look on her face. I rolled my eyes and said nothing as I tried my best to ignore her.

She grabbed my arm and held on like a scared little toddler. I jerked it away in annoyance before my father's voice filled the foyer.

"Athan!" he boomed, floating towards me. "Have respect boy!"

"Thank you, Laurentiu." Corina purred, still batting her eyes at me. "Shall we?"

I reluctantly held my arm out for her and lead her into the grand hall, where all Nobles vampires were gathered.

Lemures and Raveinant took the spotlight with Corina happily joining their side.

"Our dearest friends." Lemures announced. "With some unforeseen events leading to this day..." He motioned me to come over. ".... Athan. We have promised you into our Elder family. You have been the most loyal to us and our race. " he continued. "It's only fitting we keep our promise and gift you one of my daughters to continue the Elder bloodline."

"You're ONLY daughter." Corina added.

Lemures shot her an angry look before turning to the crowd. "She and Athan will continue the reign of our race!"

The crowd applauded gracefully with Laurentiu clapping the loudest. Though, this applause was less enthusiastic as the one we got from Calli's pre-arrangement ceremony. The thought made me chuckle.

"The uniting will take place on the next blood moon in a months time." Lemures concluded, making the crowd clap a little harder.

Everyone gathered around to congratulate me, as Corina hung off my arm to bask in all the attention. As soon as everyone surrounded to congratulate her, I quietly slipped away into the gardens to get some fresh air. The sun was almost up so I knew I couldn't stay out too long.

"You seem lost, son." Lemures said, making me jump slightly.

"Sorry your eminence. It was getting too crowded in there." I said, bowing respectfully.

"Callidora used to sneak away from big events." he said staring into the night. "You and her were by far the perfect match. She was truly an amazing creature."

I couldn't help but smile at the memories.

"She is." I sighed.

"Callidora was loved by our people. She was strong, strategic, political, over all a strong candidate for our successor."

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