Chapter 3: Fitz

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As the afternoon turned into evening, I got as many photos I could of the park area. Once the sun set, I grabbed a quick burger and set up my guitar in a spot with the most foot traffic and started playing.

It seemed like a slow night, but I didn't mind it. I love to find the random peacefulness of the city. It allowed me to gather inspiration from the background noise.

Late night rolled around and I had just finished a new piece. I tested it out and got a few passer by's to stop and listen. You could practically feel their souls being rejuvenated.

There was a glimpse of golden blonde hair that caught my eye. I glanced in that direction, and that's when I saw her. Tall, model-like figure with milky white skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

As she walked closer to listen to my guitar, my heart started to pound and a feeling of submission came over me. I wanted her like I've never wanted anyone before in my entire life. Well, I may be exaggerating, but she was exquisite!

I was admiring her beauty swaying discretely back and fourth to my music until she suddenly froze, as if she sensed something.

She looked fearful.

Don't go away my beautiful lady!

It was like she had heard me and deliberately disobeyed, as she disappeared into the shadows. My heart slowed and I felt a wave of sadness after she left. It was like she took a piece of my heart with her.

Not too long after, four figures emerged from the shadows. Another strange feeling engulfed me, but not the same one I had with the beauty.

I was petrified.

The other people in the crowd seemed to have the same feeling, as all of them turned to observe the mysterious gang.

Panic started to set in as we realized we all couldn't move as they got closer.

Then, out of no where, the she came back and stood in between us, facing the gang as if she was defending us.

A wave of relief washed over me as I could move again. Everyone began to scurry around nervously, observing the gang. The altercation between my lady and the goons seemed to get more intense and then one of the younger members charged at her. The crowd scattered and left the park in a panic.

Without even thinking, I started to make my way towards them to defend my lady, before our eyes met.

She was absolutely mesmerizing, but I got a feeling she was telling me to leave.

The feeling of submission overwhelmed me and I ran back to my equipment, scrambling to get it all together. When I placed my hands on my camera, an idea came into mind. If I can't physically help her, I can do what I can.

I pointed my camera at the fight and started taking shots, even if they weren't the best. I took as many as I could before I jetted out of there, running in the direction of the police department. I was halfway around the block before I stopped in my tracks.

What am I doing? Did I just leave a lady to fend for herself against four crazy people?

I quickly bolted back to the park, only to find no one there.

What in the hell?

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