Chapter 7: Fitz

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I couldn't sleep a wink that night. The mystery girl filled my brain to the point it didn't let me sleep. What was her name? Where did she come from? When can I see her next?

"Fitz?" Marjorie called, pushing my shoulder. "Is everything ok?"

I shook myself out of my daze. "Yeah, I'm good." I said, as I continued to edit my photos.

She smiled. "You seem, different today." she said nudging me, the smell of her jasmine tea wafting around me.

I couldn't help but grin. "What do you mean?" I said, trying to avoid any eye contact.

"I know a smile like that." she said waggling her eyebrows.

It was evident I couldn't hide being smitten. "I really don't know what you mean." I teased.

After editing the first batch of pictures, I took out my second SD card from my bag and uploaded the remaining pictures. I realized the last few photos on that uploaded were from that night.

My heart pounded as I saw her face.

Such beauty.

Of course, most of the photos were unfocused, so I found and enlarged the clearest photo to observe her radiance. When would I see her again? Her long flowing hair, her most likely soft to touch skin, beautiful silver eyes that could melt your heart.

"Oh she's a catch." Marjorie said making me jump, not realizing she was still behind me.

"She is, ain't she." I agreed, now smiling from ear to ear.

"Looks like you did some stalker shots of her." she chuckled. "No wonder Bowman doesn't want to let you go. You're a natural."

That hit a nerve.

"I'm not a stalker!" I snapped, taking her aback.

"Jeez louise I was joking Fitz." she said.

Realizing my mini outburst, I composed myself as quickly as I could, trying not to seem weird about it. "Sorry. It's just I want to see her again and I don't even know her name." I explained.

"Let me see that." Marjorie said as she took a closer look at the photo. "Oh yeah, I've seen her before!" she said.

The hairs on my arms raised. "Where?" I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"The time Bowman was weeks behind with my pay cheques, I went to this soup kitchen close to my apartment to save as much money as I can. It wasn't a bad soup kitchen, aside from the smell of body odor..."

She was rambling and I coughed discretely to fasten her pace.

"... anyway, I believe she cooks there." she said.

My heart skipped at beat. I got up, scrambling to get my things together. I kissed Marjorie on the forehead in thanks before I jetted out of the building.

That night, I decided I needed to see this beauty again.

A familiar itch came over me, that I've tried my best to suppress. I needed to see her. Even just for a second. I needed to get to know her, her contact information, what she does on her spare time, what she likes, what she dislikes. I needed to know every single piece of her, it hurt.

I shook off my nerves, got ready and made my way to the soup kitchen.

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