Chapter 1: Fitz

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The sun was strong this morning. A little too strong for my liking but that was probably because I was hung over. I plopped down at my cubicle and took a sip of my dark roast coffee. Oh the sweet nectar or energy! I definitely needed more of this wonderful liquid. I checked my pocket for change, but was disappointed when nothing turned up. I quickly logged into my bank account, typing vigorously before anyone would notice. But my pay cheque hadn't come in yet, another thing I reluctantly have to discuss with my boss.

I gave a big sigh and sunk into my chair. I guess coffee will have to wait. For now I'll savor every last drop of the one I had now.

I guess you can call me a starving artist. 

I don't live a high life. I go pay cheque to pay cheque, sometimes even having to do without. I was dodging my landlord in my crappy apartment building because I haven't paid rent in almost two months now.

But at least I had my skill in photography to fall back on. Although the company I took photos for seemed pretty sketchy and treated their employees like dirt, it was still a job.

"Holms!!" my boss shouted, even though I was sitting a few feet away from him. "My office! PRONTO!!"

I sighed. I get why he does it. He has to keep up the boss persona just to keep his employees in check. From what I've researched about him, he had many people screw him over in the past. So it's not surprising he's become this way. But that doesn't give him the excuse to act like a jerk.

I dragged myself into his office, trying my best not to show any remorse once I walked through his door. He stood angrily over his monitor, trying to be as intimidating as he could.

"Your performance has been lacking. The photographs I asked of you from the celebrity affair still haven't been submitted!" he growled.

"Sir, I've been trying to tell you, their house if full of security. The only way in, is if I jump the fence, with the probability of getting caught by guards or guard dogs." I said through clenched teeth.

He still showed no sympathy, or any indication he was actually listening.

"I also heard from Mark Gilles, he got caught doing something similar, and he got 30 days in jail and a $500 fine, not to mention the person he was trying to photograph, sued him for trespassing." I continued, trying to make it an impossible task.

It really wasn't impossible. I could've done it in a heartbeat. But I was far away from that certain hiccup in my life and I didn't want to look back.

"I DON'T CARE!!!" he shouted at he top of his lungs.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down and popped one of his anxiety pills before fake smiling at me.

"Due to your incompetence, I've transferred you back to the home and garden department." he said, shooing me away. "They seem to appreciate you more there."

I secretly smiled as I left his office. I didn't mind the home and gardens department anyway. They mostly had me take landscape shots. Photography was great and all, but music was my true passion. Music, I'm sure most people would agree, is very soothing for the soul. I was obsessed with it.

However, because I wasn't connected enough, music labels kept on turning me down again and again. They said I wasn't selling the music I wrote.

What does that even mean?

They keep telling me to dig deeper, and come back once I've found whatever made my music stand out from the rest.

But in the mean time, I was OK with doing what I was doing. Eventually, I'll get my break... some day.

"Finally, Fitz!" Marjorie said, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. "Bowman sent you back down here I presume?"

I nodded.

Marjorie was the head of the home and garden department. Though, due to her soft demeanor, no one took her seriously. She had the typical hippy sense of fashion, long thin salt and pepper hair, aged laugh lines, but such a great soul. So many amateur photographers and journalists just used her department as a practice point in their careers, then would leave her high and dry. 

I seemed to be the only one who actually stuck around.

"I don't know how you tolerate that man." she sighed as she continued to post gardening tips around her office.

"He IS the person who hired me. I just don't know why he just doesn't let me go after every failed project he sends me on." I said.

"He's afraid some other company will snatch you up." she said pinching my cheek. "Anyway, I just need some shots of Willow's Park." she said handing me a coffee to go.

I saluted her. "This is why I adore you." I said, thanking her for the coffee as I walked out. 

I loved taking landscapes, especially in parks because I was able to bring my guitar and do some song writing. Also, playing for tips helps too.

I got home and happily gathered my camera and guitar and headed off to Willow's Pond

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