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As they get to Heimdall Loki stepped up to to his brother. " Let me handle this." He walked up to the gate keeper. " Greetings GateKeeper." Heimdall looked at the young prince not impressed. " You are not dressed warm enough silver tongue." Loki stepped back as Thor stepped forward." You will let us through gate keeper." Thor demanded but Heimdall  went back to staring out into space. " For all these years no one has ever gotten past my gace until now."

After an argument Himdall actually let them through when they landed onto the snowy planet Loki felt uncomfortable for some reason.

When they confirmed Laufey " you have come a long way Asgardians." This made Thor. " You must answer for the Crim's on Asgard!" Laufey just laughed. " There are traitors in Asgard." This angerd Thor even more. " How dare you insolt Asgard and my father!" " Odin is a Thief and a murderer." Before things escalate Loki steps in. " Brother look around we are saroundid." " No your place brother." But finally Laufey but then he calls Thor a princess. "Damn."

Through out the fight Thor was acting like he was having the time of his life not caring of his friends and brother being in danger. " Don't let them tuch you!" Loki hears hugen but right after that a frost gaint grabbed his arm but instead of burning him his arm tournd blue. Both of them were shooked but Loki dispatches the Jotun  quickly. " We must go!" Loki  yelled at his foolish brother. " Then go!" Loki huffed and got him and the others out of the ice Palace and heading towards the bifrost sect being charged by a hulking beast and braking ice Bellow them breaking.

When there father finally comes riding on his eight legged horse. " Father lets finish this." But father doesn't acknowledge Thor having a quick conversation with Laufey before taking them back to Asgard.

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