The snake vs Enchantress

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It wasn't hard for Loki to fine Amora he just had to follow her magic signature but he knew this was to easily Amora wants him to find her. He was glad he sent The warriors three and sif to Thor by using one of the secrets paths only he knows it put him at ease. Loki starts running when he realizes the magic signature was heading for his fathers chambers, as he burst through the door he so Amora has incapacitated Frigga and was opening a portal and king Laufey  stepped throw. Loki holds his father spear but Luafey smiled at him." Well if it isn't the little runt I don't know why Odin let you live." Fear shoots through Loki he knows his true identity." You are not my father the both of you will stand down before you make me kill you both." Amora laughed." Dose little Loki really think he can beat this I've always been better than you." Luafey stepped towards the portals." We have already trapped the gate Guardian now I will go and deal with that Prince the right way." Loki tried to lunge towards Luafey but Amora attacked blocking his way." You can't stop this little Loki." The two fights with both weapons and magic nether gaining an advantage over the other but Amora gets a lucky hit with a spell and incapacitates Loki." Now little Loki now that you are in time out I will be at the rainbow bridge to destroy the plants you where burn on." And with that she disappeared.

On earth a portal opened up and Luafey entered the small town in New Mexico. " we have a problem! A blue giant just excited a portal!"Darcy yelled from the window all the Asgards ran to look out the window." By the nores it's Luafey." Fandral said quickly." Thor odinson, The enchantress has taken over Asgard she has taken out that runt you call a brother if you don't come out and be punished like you should have in the beginning." Volatagg shook his head." That's impossible Loki would never let that happen." Hogun turned to Thor." You stay here Thor we will take care of this." Before Thor could answer the warriors three and Sif exited the home facing Luafey who sneered." Dos the little prince can't face me that he has to hide behind you."
The fight broke out but it quickly became clear that the asgardian's where outmatched by the king of Jotinheimr. Thor can't stay by and watch his friends get hurt."

" stop king Luafey you want me leave these people alone!" Luafey smiled." Nice to see you finally came to your senses princess." Luafey created a sword made of ice and plunged it into third chest. Thor felt the cold consume his body he barley realized that Jane was by his side calling his name suddenly mjollnir in his hand and he feels his power return to him. Thor got up smiling at Jane before facing Luafey." Luafey! I do apologize for killing your people so I'm going to ask you to stand down." Luafey growled at him." You will die just like the rest of your family." Luafey attacks by blasting ice at him but Thor spins Mjollnir blocking the ice they fight was fierce but Thor got the upper hand and throw it throw Luafey chest. The Warriors three and Sif came running up towards him." Thor your ok." Jane smile." Thor we need to get back to Asgard Loki is alone with the enchantress and he needs our help!" Thor nodded and turned to Jane." My brother needs my help lady Jane." " I know."

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