You're Never Alone

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        Click, click, click. The sound of my fingers typing in "ShootUsDown" in the search bar on YouTube has become some what of a routine I've grown to love. My room swirls with the laughter and smiles coming from Austin Mahone and Alex Constancio joking around in their videos. A cool breeze sneaks into my room from the tiny opening from the window. I grab an old, velvet, red blanket and wrap myself inside of it as I get ready to watch Austin's Ustream. This also has become part of my routine. My eyes are starting to get heavy, I fall asleep in my computer chair, ready to enter my world of slumber. I just wish I could figure out what's it going to be like in the future.

        I wake up the next morning with the bright sun's rays shining into my room through the fragile, silk, red curtains hanging so elegantly on my window. The curtains wave so gracefully like a flag outside just fluttering in the wind. the window must still be cracked open from last night. I walk unsteady to the bathroom for I am only have half awake.

        Once I reach the bathroom, my heavy felt arms slowly reach to turn on the faucet sink. When the water reaches a warm temperature I splash some water onto my face. I glance up at the mirror and look back down. I then take a double take.. As I stand there looking so dumbfounded at my reflection in the mirror I've come to realize I've grown older. My shoulder length, Carmel brown hair is now longer, maybe a bit darker also. I've grown maybe too inches making me 5 foot 3 and a half. My body has matured, so has my voice. It's not the little voice I had, I believe it's the voice of a girl soon to be 16 on December 27th. I'm not the same 14 year old girl I was when my eyes fell asleep to enter that world of slumber.

        I run over to my calendar and its October in the year 2012. Some how time has traveled forward two years. I was right, I'm soon to be 16. I start to ponder on this thought..then the answer hits me. "This can't be happening again." I walk over to my computer and I open a little drawer to the bottom right of my desk. I lift up a creation I made a while ago. By just the looks of it, you'd mistake it to be just a toy you'd get from a McDonalds happy meal or something.

        Silk black like the night sky, reflecting every bit of light that hits it. It's in the shape of a little saucer, one that you'd see aliens fly, in cartoons. It's smooth surface and toy looking complexion makes it look harmless and capable of nothing, but to entertain a kid. Yet, you can't always just rely on what your eyes see. They could mislead you by many, many ways.

        It's called a The Maker. The Maker is capable of doing and or making absolutely anything come true. It only goes by my voice and touch until the day I set it to someone else's voice and touch, it only goes by my command. I must've dreamt of me in the future last night.. And how Austin Mahone and the crew was going to be like. The Maker pushed time forward 2 years to make me able to see what my mind was curious of.

        Well, since I'm here, what's the harm of seeing how they are? I search the crew on Google , one by one, and I'm amazed how far Austin and everyone has come. A smile grows on my face and I realize I hear noises in the back ground. Something isn't right.

        I look outside. This isn't the small town I lived in 2 years ago in Indiana. This looks like San Antonio, Texas. I run down stairs as it starts to turn into a walk. I look around the house, it's a real beauty this house is, the stair case has unique engravings in the wood railing, when you look upwards, it all seems to go on forever with by how it's a see through ceiling so you can see the sky. I begin to get lost in the beauties this house beholds, I hear someone's voice again which snaps me back into reality.

        This voice sounds familiar. Then there's this laughter and a guitar is being played. Someone starts singing. It's like a glimpse of heaven almost. The singer has this smooth voice, with every word that leaves his lips and turns into lyrics, I get a feeling I've never felt before, if I tried to explain this feeling people would say its love. I continue to walk towards the voices, which leads me to the living room. Where I find myself standing speechless in the doorway looking like a smiling fool. My heart starts to race dramatically as I realize Austin and Alex are sitting in my living room.

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