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Hey all! So here is the first chapter of my first ever story on wattpad. I hope y'all enjoy it.If you like it, please do vote. Any criticism is acceptable but no rude comments! Love y'all. Xoxo

          “If you work hard in training, the fight is easy.” -Manny Pacquiao.



"Lisa!Lisa!Lisa!Lisa" the crowd is making so much noise for me. The pressure is building up. I have to defeat her anyways.

"Lisa?" Oh my coach! "George, I'm here." " Are you ready for the battle? I hope you remember what I told you to do." DOMINATING... "I know,yeah!" "Okay,then get ready! Everyone is waiting for the battle."

BATTLE - something I have been doing since childhood. I guess the battle I'm doing right now,is probably the consequence of the battle I have been doing for a long time. From my childhood. I wish I had a life like others. Smiling and joyful. Is it even possible to have that life? I guess NO. Surely George helped me like an angel. He might be dominating but I have a lot to do for him. For myself. I wish I met him earlier. Probably my childhood would have been better. Since I met him, I really now believe in - Better late than never. I am thankful to him...

"Okay,so here she is! Our master in boxing LISA GOMEZ!!!!!!!!" as soon as Mr Drake,the host announced my name,I entered and the mass went crazy. They were shouting my name and cheering me up as they do want me to win this fight for them. I love my supporters seriously. They are so encouraging. So I stepped inside the ring and waved my hands with a smile. And also then my opponent- Sophia Jolly, entered. The crowd started screaming again.She is a great fighter, I must say. She got some techniques to fight like a tigress. I learned some of those,but she never revealed all of it. Those are her killer shots,which I'm afraid of. I know I came a long way beating all my opponents. It was hard to win against Russo D'Marco. She couldn't win but made sure that I get bruises almost all over my body and admit myself in a hospital for 1 fucking month! That certainly made me concerned about winning the title today. George made sure I get my training like others but I couldn't hit the punch bag for 15 days. My hands were swallowed badly. Only because of that bastard! I tried hard and I know that. But one month ,that I had to waste is completely a drawback for today's match. I hope it doesn't cost me much.

",Hey, Lisa!"
"Hey,Sophia!" I smiled,a fake plastered smile. I know what's going in my mind. Sigh!
"I hope you're ready." She said with a wink. "I'm happy to go against a non beatable boxer."
"So,do I" I said with another fake plastered smile.

"Okay,so as you can see our two fighters of the evening is here and I'm sure it's definitely gonna be exciting to watch them. Are ya"ll ready?" Mr.Drake shouted and with a huge round of applause everyone cheered both of us. The referee in charge, Mr. Hardy Lee, came in between us and then said " Go!" I looked in her eyes and she did that to me as well. She started to punch me in a slower way and I was defending myself. I was basically waiting for her BEST SHOT. She again punched me and I defended. Next time, I punched her and it hit her jaw line. Since she was not playing defensive,it cost her. She then punched me back and I did the same,but I kept being slow. She again punched on my face and I defended again. This would continue until she used her master stroke and punched badly on my face and I fell on the ground. Suddenly a flashback of my childhood came across my mind ~when they used to punch me and I had nothing to do but scream. Screaming and begging was my last option to get out of the curse but no! They never stopped. They used to wait for my blood to come out from my nostrils. It's the only thing that they used to love bout me...~ suddenly I felt a current through my body and before she could punch me again I just started punching her face like anything. She was also doing the same but the aggression inside me made it difficult for her to do more than she could. I hold her hand from behind and knocked her down and used my elbow's to keep her like that. She did try to flip but again I started punching her and she couldn't but tap on the ground for thrice and clearly I WON.

And the crowd started screaming like hell. Everyone was clapping and calling my name. This felt so good. I saw Sophia coming towards me and hugged me for my victory and before leaving she said - "I felt as if something was on you. Are you possessed?" I started shivering at her words. I know something did happen to me that time and I know the reason too. But I can't let anyone know bout that. No one! "Lisa?" I came back to the world and heard Sophia calling my name-" What happened to you?" "Umm nothing." I chuckled. "Alright" she said and left the place. "LISA!LISAAAAAAA!!!!" George  came and hugged me tightly. "I knew you will achieve it anyhow. I'm so proud of you. The day is not far when you will win the title of ' Women's boxing championship'." "You are saying too much for now, George." I chuckled and gave a small punch on his back. Meanwhile Mr.Drake called my name." Ms. Lisa Gomez,OUR CHAMPION!!!MAKE SOME NOISE FOR HER CROWD!!!" and with a huge round of applause, I went beside him and Hardy Lee handed me the trophy and medal and of course net worth $65k. I grinned and gave a flying kiss to the audience. They started screaming again. And after shaking my hand with both of 'em, I came out of the ring. Photographers and journalists were clicking photos and asking several questions to me. Thankfully George saved me as he always does. I was tired af and wanted to go home asap. But then again, something else was in my mind too.

George drove me home with his car. While going,he asked me so many questions and said lots of other things. Unfortunately I heard nothing.I kept on nodding my head and my answers short. I was thinking bout something else. Something terrifying. A secret that is hidden from the whole world except one. I hope that remains safe. I don't want to think more about it. Though I have to. I have no other option. I sometime think to jump from a hill and to end all the pain and sufferings. But this thought remains for a few minutes. I start thinking bout my responsibilities towards my family,my mates,my championship etc. And I return back to the worldly life again. I wish I could lead a happy life. I wish ....!!!


Hey,all. I'm sorry not to make this chapter too long. My exam is near and I need to focus on that. But I promise to make my next chapter longer than this. I hope y'all enjoyed this part. Lisa Gomez is indeed a strong one. What do you think?

Well I'll be back in few days. Till then take care and I love y'all. Keep voting and commenting.


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