Chapter 1

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A/N: This story has been a long time coming. Please enjoy reading and please leave a comment and criticism to help improve the story onwards. But be warned, some of the earlier chapters go way back since 2015.


Chp 1


Dear Grandpa and Yugi,

How have the two of been? Are you well? It's been so long since I've written to the both of you-I'm sorry. My work here has kept me occupied. I swear my boss can be....

Anyhow, my contract will end soon and you know what that means. I can finally come home, to good old Domino City! I've missed you both.

Are the two of you doing okay? Grandpa have you been taking care of yourself? I hope you are not overdoing it at the shop. Also, have you been taking your medication? And how is the game shop doing, still going strong?

And Yugi, how are you? Been eating well? Have you taken any hobbies other than games? Have you made any friends? If so I would love to meet them. Words cannot express how much I missed you both.

Unfortunately I have to end this letter short. I still have some work left that's need to be finished. Programming for your boss is hard work. Especially when said boss is quite flamboyant.

I'll see both of you soon.

Love always,



I finished reading the latest letter I received from my cousin aloud to my friends; Jonouchi, Honda, Anzu and Miho.

"Wow Yugi, this cousin of yours is really interesting." Jonouchi commented from his seat next to mine.

"Yeah and a programmer, too. She must be really smart. How old is she?" Honda asked from his spot by the window.

I smiled sheepishly and let out a chuckle. "You'd really be surprised. She's seventeen but her height is 5'3."

"What?!" was their reaction.

I giggled nervously. I was sure that they would react like that.

"Seriously?" Jou leaned forward with disbelief on his face.

I nodded. "I'm serious, Jou. Here see for yourself." I pulled out my cellular phone, typed in my password on the large screen and opened the image app.

"Here." I showed them the latest picture of my cousin.

"Ooh, she's pretty!" Miho complemented. Her bubbly personality added more volume to her reaction.

"Wait a second. Is this even her real hair and eye color?" Anzu asked as she took my phone to get a better look.

I nodded. "Yes Anzu, her hair and eyes are all natural." My cousins midnight color hair and golden amber eyes really makes everyone question if they were even natural to begin with.

"Hold on. Her this a type of makeup she uses or is this a kind of hobby thing?" Honda spoke up when he grabbed my phone from Anzu.

I blinked. "Oh that. Iris is part Egyptian not Arab if anyone was concerned. She got it from her late father's side. That's why her skin tone is a healthy sun kissed tan rather than the native olive skin tone, since her late mother, my aunt, was Japanese."

"She's so exotic!" Miho squealed with stars in her eyes.

I then saw Anzu made a face. "I'm not sure about this."

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