Chapter Fifty-Six

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Oh, real quick thank you to the user barakatboulevard for making the Bring you Back cover, I'm a bit late but, thank you. You guys should follow them and check out their stories :)

"Thanks for meeting with me.." Brianne said sheepishly, as I sat down observing the girl in which I at one point, loved and hated. She smiled at me, I suppose trying to ease the tension though it in no way helped. Her bright red hair was tied up in a bun and her makeup was done to perfection if I must admit.

"I suppose it was only right to do so" I say sitting down across from her. She continued to wear a grin across her lips as if we were anywhere on good terms. Not at all. This is the girl who tried to steal my boyfriend from me, slut.

"So we should talk about this.. Please" She said fiddling her fingers.

"That's why we're here anyways, right?" I avoid locking eyes with her because looking into them triggers a feeling I don't like.

"Well, I'm- Luke, we can't do this" she looked down in an awkward and hurting tone, causing her voice to crack. "No one is going to help us and in all honestly I'm absolutely terrified" she said beginning rub her temples in distress. I glared at her, and though I could tell she was struggling my thoughts couldn't help be filled with anger.

"What do you mean, Brianne? This child is ours we can't just get rid of it like it's nothing." She took a heavy breath and nodded, a look of hurt covering her face.

"I understand and it may not seem like a big deal to you but Luke we're not together, we live miles and miles apart, my mom will kick me out of  the house. Do you know how hard this is on me? I can't raise a kid alone" she cried, tears building up as she spoke. I took a deep breath looking at her.

"Well I was promised some coffee, I'm going to order something." I excused myself, standing up and leaving the table. I didn't want to discuss this, I wanted it to all go away honestly. I want nothing to do with Brianne. She's the past and Calum is my boyfriend now. He's the only person I care for, she's the ex I regret. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

"How may I help you?" A girl asks and I stare up looking at her. Her bright green eyes and dark black hair and then lightly she smiled. 

"A medium pumpkin spice latte I suppose" I grinned and she nodded putting in the order. "Name?" She asked and I smirked.

"My name's Luke." I hand her a five dollar bill and she writes my name down. If I must admit she was gorgeous. I was always fond of dark hair which must be why I loved Calum's so much. However on a girl, it was even more beautiful. Not saying I don't love Calum because some people take it that way, if you believe someone else is attractive, suddenly you lost all interest for your partner which is in no way true. 

"Here's your change." she said handing me my money and I looked down at her name tag. 

"Thank you, Mackenzie" She nodded and I was back to Brianne, sitting at the table. "I hope you didn't want anything, I didn't order for you." She stared at me before sucking her teeth. 

"Of course you didn't" She mumbled under her breath though I heard it easily. Abruptly the front door to Starbucks slammed open and Brianne and I turned our head to see who it was. The person nearly sprinted in and ran in front of the line, screaming to the girl, Mackenzie, how deep in trouble he was. The voice seemed familiar though I wasn't sure as to who it was. Possibly an old friend or something but I merely shrugged it off.

"Anyways, maybe we should talk more about this another time. I don't want to think about it anymore." I say standing up and Brianne squinted her eyes at me.

"You're fucking pathetic Luke" She says standing up as well beginning to gather her things and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't care what you think of me anymore Brianne" I smirked and she rolled her eyes

"Good. I don't care either, prick" She said before storming out of the store and I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't care for Brianne's opinion on me, I have no reason to attempt to please her anymore, she's a mistake. A two years I won't get back, spent with her.

"Luke, pumpkin spice latte!" Another women called and I rushed up to the counter grabbing my coffee. The guy who stormed in earlier stared at me. I had absolutely no clue who this man was but as he looked at me I felt a bit uneasy. His glare was cold and suddenly a smirk met his lips. He was attractive, if I must say so. He had brown hair and blue-green eyes, his body was tan and muscular and he himself was fairly gorgeous. Though, as I said before something didn't give me a good vibe from him. He began walking over to me and I felt myself tense up remotely.

"You know Ashton Irwin, right?" He asked, the words dangling off his lips with a twisted look in his eye. I nodded slowly and the man began digging his hands deep in his pockets. I couldn't help but stare down at them and he chuckled, pulling one of the hands out and putting it on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"No need to be scared man. I'm Jack. A good friend of Ashton's." He said calmly though I still couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"What do you want?" I asked, gripping my cup. He let go of my shoulder and began signaling me to move in, staring around the room. I leaned in and suddenly the hand which was stuffed in his pocket quickly came out meeting with my stomach.

A sharp and extreme pain met my abdomen. Burning and churning feeling filled throughout my body and a thick liquid began flowing up my throat, I began choking on the liquid and was at loss for air in every way possible. I looked down in complete panic, seeing a black and small knife injected into my stomach and the liquid which I choked on began pouring out my mouth. My cup fell from my hands as I shook violently.

"Make sure to tell Ashton that he's next." He said pulling out the knife causing me to shriek in pain he began running out of the store causing me to fall, beginning to bleed out onto the tiles. People ran over though my vision, hearing and thoughts were all fading. I began passing out and suddenly all I saw was a vision of complete darkness.

Wow do you hate me cause I hate me. Sad stuff bro. :/ Anyways hello gorgeous people how are you all? Congrats to the boys for the EMAs, we're the best fans and this is all of our awards! :) So, Bring you Back is coming to an end soon, don't worry though I promise a happy ending, except, possibly a surprise? Hmmm c; So there are some important events this month cx
Michael Clifford's Birthday- 11/20
My birthday- 11/16
Are we not all excited? Haha anyways I'm going to update on one of those dates, not sure which one. Okay I love you all, though I'm sad hope you liked the chapter cx

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