'My tempers on edge.'

"Eve, I didn't mean to upset you." I scoffed.

"Sure. Well you did! And why don't you next time if you wanna hear a story about MY life come to me!" And with that I slammed the door in his shocked face. I leaned against the door heavily. I was trying to calm my emotions.

'What just happened there?'

Another knock of the door made me jump. I looked out the side window to see Hunter waving sheepishly at me. I groaned as I opened the door.


He smirked. "I just wanted to apologize for.. At school. The lunch scene." I growled lowly.

"Yes, well thanks to you me and my best friend aren't speaking to each other." His eyes widened.

"You mean the future Beta?"

"Her name is Ariel, Hunter. And yes we've been best friends for as long as I can remember."

He nodded. "Well again I'm sorry." His eyes bore into mine and I still couldn't believe their hypnotizing color. "You okay?" He asked when I didn't say anything.

I sighed as I pushed open the door wider for him. "Would you like to start over?"

He smirked. "Only if you want to." I smiled and nodded. Holding out my hand, he shook it.

"Hi, I'm Eve."

"Hunter. I live next door to you."

"That's nice. Would you like to come in?" He smirked.

"I don't want to impose." I laughed.

"See, it surprising."


I rolled my eyes. "You can be quite charming when you try." He laughed as he stepped inside and I closed the door after him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda. "You want anything?" I asked politely. He shook his head till he stared at something.

"Actually, I'd like one of those!" I saw he was staring at the cupcake box. I laughed.

"They look good don't they?" He nodded.

"My one weakness, I have a huge sweet tooth." I chuckled.

"I know the feeling, but your in luck then. Cause these are for you and your cousins." I slid the box towards him. "I was actually supposed to and was just about to bring them over to your house." He was already opening the box with a huge smile on his face.

'He looks like a kid opening his Christmas presents.' I thought happily to myself.

He glanced up at me.

"Heard that." He mumbled.


He laughed. "Heard that too." I sighed.

"Note to self," I mumbled out loud. "Remember to close off mind link when this guys around."

Hunter payed no attention to me as he bit into his treat. He moaned in pleasure as he ate. I let him finish it in silence feeling very awkward whenever he made a small humming noise. When he was done I chuckled and handed him a napkin. "Did you make these?!" He asked.

I shook my head. "No Rose did."

"Your mom?"

I nodded. "She just loves to bake. Everyone in the pack goes crazy for her desserts." He laughed.

"I can see why. If your mother always makes stuff this good be prepared to see me over here much more often." I laughed.

"I barely know you and your already invading my personal privacy." He rolled his eyes.

Didn't see HER comingWhere stories live. Discover now