Chapter 1- A New Hell (Final Version)

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Warnings: Police Brutality and Violence, Cussing

Note: I am not against real-life police, I respect all police officers and thank them for protecting everyday people.  

Two officers dragged the unconscious body of the woman into the heart and soul of Gotham, near the GCPD, right where she was attacked. They all gathered around her in the parking lot outside of the GCPD in this small circle. "Good dog!" One of the officers told the dog. She ruffled the dog's hair and gave the dog a treat for their so-called "good behaviour".

"Is she dead?" one of the officers ask the others.'' No Dumbass!" the female officer yelled at the officer asking that question. " Oh wait!" "Stay back, she's waking up!" another one exclaimed. After taking a couple of breaths of the clean, fresh air, the girl was finally able to live in The Land of the Living, once again. " W-What h-happened?! I? "You just put your hand behind your back and shut the Hell up!" the female officer exclaimed in the woman's ear . The woman glanced up to her in a hazy vision with a confused look. "NOW!" She ordered. The woman was in complete shock with this aggressive tone that this particular female officer, she has never EVER been treated in such a way as this female officer treated her. "What did I do now that was SO bad!?" she interrogated all the officers around her at the same time. "All I did was take some diamonds and some other jewelry and a couple of parts and pieces from the security cameras, that's all I did I swear! I need the-" The girl was slapped in the face by the female officer harshly and shouted, " ONCE A CRIMINAL ALWAYS A CRIMINAL CECILIA!"

"How did she know my name?! Where was she in my life that she could possibly remember me from?" The woman asked herself. There are just too many questions not able to be answered right now. Now is not a great time to think about them at the moment, thought to herself. "You'll NEVER win this battle Cecilia, or should I say, Paradox," she mocked her criminal name, "I have officially won!" Paradox glanced over at the shiny card dangling down from her chest. There was something on the card that totally rang a bell to Paradox. This officer's name was Becky.


Cecilia was turning 5 years old in the year 2006. Celebrating this day with her family was one of the best memories that she had before vanishing like a phantom in the darkness. She remembers the vision of all of those presents stacked up to the ceiling one by one, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Another memory consisting of the chocolate cake covered with buttercream frosting with purple and pink hearts all over it, with the words, "Happy 5th Birthday Cecilia". She remembers also when her mother was laughing with the other adults in the other room as they were all drinking a soft juice together. Laughter filled the room with such joy, something that was completely unspeakable in Gotham City. The City seemed to sleep with the moon for a while, a perfect night her mom would say. This was the best time to share the rare mood with family and friends. Unfortunately, an anonymous shadow emerges from the hellish nightmare outside of the wooden door. The door shrieks as it shut violently against the wooden frame. She remembers the expression on her mother's holy face like yesterday. The way her eyes widened as big as they can be. Both young Cecilia and her mother, Ellen witness the growing darkness surrounding them everywhere like the demons in Hell. Her mother's knees weakened as the darkness kissed them. Cecilia's mother collapsed in horror and crawled over to her daughter. "Stay here honey," she says as she deepens her eyes into Cecilia's and caressed her cheek, raising her head up so that both her eyes were looking at her daughter. Cecilia's eyebrows furrowed as she glances up at her mother and trembled as she spoke. "Mommy, what is going on?" Cecilia was too innocent back then to understand how much pain and suffering her father was giving both her and her mother, Ellen, and to the rest of the family. Every nightmare that Cecilia had when she was younger appeared to be nothing compared to her father and his actions. Up until this point in her life, that's when she knew, something bad was going to happen. "HEY HONEY!" the voice boomed across the room," I'M HOME! Both of them knew who it was. Cecilia's father. Her mother struggled to stand on the floor with her two feet. Young Cecilia helped her up with the strength that she had. Her mother was soon able to stand onto her own, like a child learning how to walk for the first time. The voice comes closer and closer to both little Cecilia and her mother. Cecilia's little nails dug into her mother's arm, clenching into it. "Please don't go, Mommy," She pleaded," Daddy's going to hurt you and the rest of the family, don't go!" She begged and melted down, lowering her head down, and knelt before her mother. Cecilia's eyes flowed with a watering mess and made a mess all over the polished wooden floor. "I don't have a choice dear," she told her daughter," I have to do what is right.". "Lee!," her mother calls her husband out," I'm not afraid of your little games anymore." A few breaths came out of the mother's mouth as he stepped outside the room. He had that familiar scent that consisted of a mixture of both hard liquor and cologne that filled the room everywhere he went. Cecilia concealed herself behind her mother's dress, still clenching onto her arm as she finally saw her father. She glances up at her mother with horror and despair, with her eyes widening. "Daddy," the little girl yelled, "leave Mommy alone!" Her father only smirked at her. His eyebrows angled down towards her mother. He collapses down on one knee to see his distraught daughter, sniffling, and whimpering before him. He took his crusty left hand up to caress the youth of Cecilia's skin staring into her eyes. "Baby," he called her. She winced at that nickname. She never did like that name. Something about that name made her disgusted every time he called her that, not sure what it was, nor why she hated it, but she did. He spoke again, "I'm not going to hurt your mother, I'm just gonna-." Her father rises from his knee slowly, grabbing Cecilia by the collar of her dress, yanking her closer to him like a Barbie doll. "NO STOP!" "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Her mother screamed at the top of her lungs. Too bad the rest of the family was too busy to hear the poor woman as she cried out for help. In fact, they were just minding their own business and still partying the night away, like nothing serious was really going on. He dragged Cecilia's fragile body over to the sink, coiling his sticky, dirty hands onto little Cecilia's wrists. Alcoholic breath stains her skin as he breathes onto her. He bends over whispering in the little girl's ear, "You, my dear, are NOTHING to me, or anyone in that matter!" "I knew I should have aborted you when I had the chance to, but no, I let you live instead, all because of that B*tch over there!" He pointed to Cecilia's mother as he continued whispering in the little girl's ear. "Remember that you are a worthless piece of s*it and that I, myself, am better than everyone here combined." Tears streamed down those rosy, innocent cheeks of Cecilia's, as he spoke to her again and again. Each time, causing her to sob in such a tragic way. Suddenly, he snatches Cecilia's arm, digging his dirty nails deep into it, and harshly threw the lively girl across the room, making her seem lifeless now. A large thud awoke the people in the other room. "What the-?!" her grandma was awake now. She flicked on the nearest light switch, only to witness an attempted murder on her granddaughter. She just stood there in shock, no words could come out of her mouth. "Why did he have to come home?" she thought to herself. There was no time to lose. Something had to be done. She scampered over to the nearest telephone, dialing 911 as quickly as possible. She hears mumbling of screaming right outside of the door. Finally, after about 3 minutes in the call, a female voice answers. "911, what's your emergency?" "My Son in Law is hurting and trying to kill my granddaughter, please help me! What can I do to stop him!?" She asked with much anxiety. "Stay Calm, someone is out to make sure everything is ok with you, what is your address?" she asks. Cecilia's Grandma gives the address to the operator. The next thing everyone in the household knew was that there were parked cars right in front of the house with the words GCPD on the sides of the vehicles. Blue and red lights lit up the place like a disco ball. A female officer steps out of the car and pounds on the door, " OPEN UP! THIS IS THE POLICE! A muffled voice booms across the house. The sound of footsteps were heard and Cecilia's grandmother whipped open the door, " Ma'am!" are you ok!? " The female officer asked Cecilia's grandmother. She nods and tells her that she is ok. She also tells the female officer everything that she has just witnessed and heard. "SH*T!," her dad now terrified of what would come next, tries to escape from his predicament that he got himself into by jumping out the window of the front of the house, only to become handcuffed by one of the officers investigating the area. They immediately evacuated both Cecilia, her mother, and everyone else out of the house. Then they asked everyone questions as well for their take on what exactly happened. Some of the replies were that they didn't know what was happening, which surprised some of the officers. Cecilia's mother showed cuts her husband had given her daughter when he threw Cecilia across the room.

The Next Day:

Cecilia woke up in the hospital only to find bandages on all of the scars and places her father had given her. Cecilia especially remembers that moment when she recognized the police officer standing next to her hospital bed and noticed the ID badge with the name" Becky" on it. Becky tells Cecilia that her father is now arrested and that Cecilia, her mother, as well as her family members, are going to be safe and sound. Following the incident, Cecilia and Becky became great friends. Becky would always buy her ice cream at the Ice Cream Shoppe, she would even let her have whatever she wanted on it as well and she didn't even have to pay for it! However, things changed for the worse now, ever since Cecilia was known to be a master thief and criminal now, Becky hasn't been the same ever since.

Present Day:

"Hey!" "Hey!" I'm talking to you, Paradox!" She was mocking her nickname and screamed at her at the same time. She cheap shot Cecilia in the side, causing her to step into reality again. Cecilia really hated this woman now, always treating her like a dead hunk of meat. " Get up!" Becky yelled at Cecilia, "I SAID GET UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Becky yanked onto Cecilia's hair and yanked her up, pulling her right up to her feet."Now arrest her!" She smirked widely and scoffed at her. "You'll never take me to jail Becky!, I won't let you!," Becky suddenly came over and picked up Cecilia's chin and spoke to her softly," Like I said before, and I will say it again, I have already won this battle." "Oh and you aren't going back to jail, No no no, you're going to a new and improved super-prison that we all like to call, Arkham City." She laughed even more than she ever did in her life." "Great," Cecilia thought, "a place where all of the crazies are at now."

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