With that Melissa soared off into the sky going for more Chitauri, praying the bystanders obey what she said and hurried inside.

She slammed her fist into one, pushing the alien to the side before throwing the ship at another, knocking two out of function. Her heat vision burned through another pair when some hit her back.

Melissa glared back to see three Chitauri ships behind her, all having their weapons ready when more appeared behind her.

"Crap..." she muttered, pushing herself through the air.

Siren wailed through the streets as the New York City police department scattered the streets, trying to find ways to help but there was nothing the average police officer could do to help stop this.

"Ryans, Stark we're on your three, headed northeast," Natasha announced through their comms making Melissa roll her eyes.

"Sure took your time!" Melissa exclaimed spinning on her back and burning through more of the ships only for three more to appear.

"Yeah! What? Did you stop for drive-through?" Tony rhetorically asked, sharing Melissa's annoyance. "Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay em' out for you. Melissa follow me."

The Superhuman nodded, taking a sharp corner and scanning through the buildings to search for Tony.

She saw many people huddled in the tall buildings, praying and wishing for the destruction and invasion to stop. Melissa frowned deeply but she focused on the task at hand.

She spotted Tony rounded Stark Tower so she headed that way, soaring up the side of a building so she could glide over the city.

Melissa pushed herself, gliding over the buildings at a quick pace before falling and finding herself at the Iron Man's side.

Tony glanced to his left, the suit creaking slightly at the movement, giving Melissa a nod as a greeting in which Melissa returned.

They rounded a sharp corner, passing a building that resembled a museum but Melissa wasn't sure it was that.

The rest of the team cut through a street, firing the Quinjet's minigun at a wide section of the Chitauri, cutting them off from Melissa and Tony.

The pair did a quick high-five before they split, groups of the Chitarui splitting off from the group to follow either one of them.


      REYNA HELD TIGHTLY ONTO ONE OF the high bars in the Quinjet, one that was probably for holding arsenal or suits for whatever agent was piloting.

The jet glided through the streets, Clint and Natasha piloting perfectly dodging the tall buildings around New York, taking out some of the Chitauri as well.

"Nat?" Clint called out, the Quinjet glided towards Stark Tower where Loki and Thor battled.

"I see him," the red head answered, preparing the jet's weaponary.

The turret hung out from the bottom of the Quinjet, locking Loki as the target quickly. It sprays bullets down onto the demigod, but obviously, Loki could over power a simple jet.

He raised his staff, charging the end. A shot of energy soared through the sky, slamming directly into the quinjet. It easily blew the engine in one side of the jet, knocking it off balance and sending the group to the ground.

The jet spun wildley around, Clint and Natasha's control being useless as it plummeted to the ground.

Reyna's grip tightened as she felt the jet almost flip, lifting her from the ground. Her eyes slammed shut at the strain that was being put on her muscles as she tried her best not to let go.

The quinjet spun as it flew towards the ground, citizens scattering as it charged towards the park. Screams and yells echoed through the air and eventually the jet hit the dirty ground. It skidded a few meters before coming to a full stop.

Reyna squinted open one her eyes and dropped back to the floor with a light thud. Her arms stung and her breath was quick.

"You ok, Reyna?" Steve questioned, placing a hand on her upper back.

She nodded, looking down at her arms, bruising from having to fight Melissa still covering them. "Ye-yeah... Never thought I'd be in a crash and survive..." she chuckled lightly before stalking out the back with Steve behind her. "God, I really gotta go to the gym..." she muttered as she looked around the clearing.

"We gotta get back up there!" Steve shouted over the destruction that covered New York. He easily ran in front of Reyna, leading the charge as the rushed through the damaged street.

Clint and Natasha trailed behind Reyna, all following Steve as they dodged oncoming bystanders, jumping over small piles of rubble an avoiding the small flames that burned on some cars.

Suddenly, making them freeze, a loud mechanical growl erupted through the streets. Reyna defensively unsheathed her katanna, the weapons being something she obviously obtained from working with Loki, whilst Clint loaded an arrow into his bow.

They each looked up to the large opening in the sky. The darkness in the middle soon showed tiny silhouettes before a much larger Chitauri ship flew out of it. It let out a loud mechanical roar.

Reyna gulped nervously.

It soared down towards them, skidding across one of the many destroyed streets. Its wings and tail like end dug on the concrete and asphalt whilst also dropping off more of the Chitauri aliens.

"Stark, Ryans you seeing-"

"What the hell is that!" Melissa exclaimed, answering his question.

"We're seeing, still working on believing," Tony answered as both he and Melissa soared over to the Chitauri machine. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Steve repeated, glancing back at his three teammates who still watched where the ship flew.

"Just keep me posted."

Superheroes | The Avengers [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें