Chapter 7 The Girl From The Forest

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Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Naruto because if I did all of the characters would have outrageous mustaches.

Kakashi's POV

Yukiko is still an enigma to me. She was perfectly happy until I said home. Then I saw what seemed like an internal debate with herself. It's the morning after our first training session. She avoided me completely last night.

I'm making eggs for breakfast when she walks into the kitchen. "Good morning, Yukiko," I say cheerfully and she lets out a little grunt in response.

"Do you want any eggs?" I ask and she hesitates before nodding. Then she walks over to the table and she waits quietly until I put a plate of eggs in front of her.

"Thank you," She says before starting to eat. We both eat in silence and bring up our plates to the sink.

"We'll go to the training grounds whenever you're ready," I say. It looks like she's already dressed for the day, but you never know with girls. When I first saw what she said was her training outfit yesterday I was shocked. Most shinobi choose to wear pants beacuse they are easier to move around in. Even more shockingly she was wearing heels that must have been at least six inches high. Yet she was still able to move around gracefully. I know she's bound to catch her enemies off guard. She seems like she has the potential to become a really good fighter, and people won't expect a skilled fighter to be wearing that sexy outfit.

Hold up.

I did not say she was sexy.

I'll admit she's beautiful, but she's living in my house, seems to hate me half the time, and had a bad past. The worst thing I could do is think about how she looks. I don't want her to hate me more if she thinks I'm a pervert.

"I'm all ready so we can go to the training grounds," She says.

When we get to the training grounds the first thing we do is warm up by running. Then I start teaching her how to use her wind and water chakra. While we were working on that I notice the bandages on her arm are bleeding. That must be the wound that I saw when I first found her. When I look at the shape of the blood that bled through I have to hold in a gasp.

I stand next to Yukiko as she is working on a hand symbol for a jutsu I had her try out, and take the bandage off her arm quickly. The wound was in the shape of a word. Four jagged letters cut into her skin.


Once she realizes what I did she steps away from me and is about to turn on her heel to run when I pull her to my chest. She tenses in my grip.

"Let go of me," She says firmly.

"You'll only run away if I do," I protest calmly.

"So? It's not like my life is any of your business, so I can go and you can just go prance around in your fucking ninja world without worrying about me!" She yells.

"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. I worry about you and that makes it my business." I retaliate and I see rage and fear flicker in her eyes.

"Please Yuki, tell me who did this to you." I plead quietly and she finally relaxes in my arms a little.

"It was my boyfriend. I tried to leave him, and he didn't really like that idea. He told me that I would always be his and gave me this as a reminder," She admits softly.

"But it doesn't matter now, I guess. He definitely doesn't know where I am now..." She says trailing off at the end.

"Yukiko, you're a strong girl. He was an idiot for hurting you. I'm glad that you left him because he isn't worth it. It's never worth it if someone you care about is hurting you. It was very brave of you to see that, and I'm glad you're here now." I say and when I'm done she pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you, Kakashi," She says before pulling away. Then her face changes into it's usual mask of confidence, "Alright, Hatake. Just because you know that doesn't mean you can pity me, or treat me any differently." She demands and I chuckle at her change in demeanor.

"Don't worry, you'll still be the same to me as you were before" The sexy girl I found in the forest. I add in my head.

People. This isn't a request. It is a command.

Throw tomatoes at me, kick me, yell at me or something.

I suck.

This is my first update of this story since JUNE.

And this chapter is super short.

I'm so sorry guys TT.TT

Love you all even if you want to kill me,


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