Corrupted Part 3

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Recommend listening to song The Handler by Muse.

It was a week since the gems went on the mission. No one was worried about them except Crazy Lace and Peridot.

"Aren't you scared if something happened to them?,, Crazy Lace asked Steven worriedly. " Well, just a bit. The are always gone for more than a week when they go on a off planet mission. They should be fine. But if it would make you feel better, you can listen to all transmissions and check all warp pads.,,

More days passed and there was still nothing. It shoved up that the communication and warp pads were broken, but it could have been fixed only from Homeworld. For things to be more unfortunate, all ships were broken or not on Earth. And Steven seemed that he didn't care that no one returned. Everything seemed off about him lately.

No one knew what was with Steven. Was he hurt? Was he suppressing his feelings? It was a misstery. Even Steven didn't know what was going on with him for the last couple of days. He felt that something was really wrong, but at the same time he didn't care about anything. It felt like he was partly under someone's force.


Peri and Lace were in the homemade reception base, listening to everything that came through the emeregency call system. But nether of them excpected a message like that.

"Oi, Peridot! I got something!,, Lace called. "You do? What is it?,, Peri asked when she walked towards Lace. " It's a message. It says "We're comming for you." and I really don't think that is anyone from our side.,,

"Steven! Someone's coming through the atmosphere!" "And we don't think it's our ally!,, Lace and Peridot yelled while they were running. "Are you sure? Wh-,, But before he could finish, White's diamond ship landed few meters from them and tossed them away.

All three of them get off the ground. In front of them there were two lapis lazulies, an aquamarine and ruby fusion, Jasper and... White diamond. She looked like a body without a soul. Her eyes were glowing and there were yellow and blue lines on her gem. "White! What have you done to her!?,, Steven yelled at them. "Just a bit of the conversion of her abilities against herself and little upgrade. But you should be more concerned about your other friends.,,

From the ship a pod flew to them and the gems appeared from it. They were mind controlled too. Jasper took Pearl by her forearm and threw her towards Steven. Pearl didn't flinched and lied there like a empty puppet.

"Do you want all of your friends end like this? Or you will do as we tell you?,, Jasper sayd to him. "Bluebird would you please take the rejuvinator? We'll need it.,, and she looked towards petrified Lace and Peri. "Be scared for your friends Pink.,,

Steven snapped in anger and his eyes started to glow. "It's all about my mom isn't it? I wanted to fix everything that she has done and that's what I got? I'm gonna tell you something important.  I'M NOT HER AND YOU WILL LET MY FRIENDS GO! ,, Then something happened. Something no one expected. Stevens gem half took over. All that anger he suppressed for the years made this happen.

He started towards the lapis lazulies and shattered them both with single hit. Then he turned against Bluebird. The fusion hold the rejuvinator tightly and swung it. Peri and Lace took the hit. Both poofed and fell into the sand. Before Bluebird could do anything more, Steven took her under her throat. "Yøu ðıð şømțhınğ unførğıvąbłę. Nøw yøu wıłł pąy før ıț.,, And he took both her gems and crushed them to pieces.

Jasper standed in the shadow and watched her allies die." Damn it. What am I gonna do?,, she panicked. Then she remembered. White Diamond was still on her side and as long as she was alive, White and the Crystal gems were under her control.

" Slave! Destroy him!,, Jasper commanded to White. Enslaved White turned to Steven and a giant beam of colored light hit him. It knocked Steven out. But before it, he managed to throw a spiked shield onto Jasper and poof her. Now his human half was back in control and the enslaved gems were free now. But after something like this, there are horrible consequences.

I put a lot of effort into this chapter (longest I ever written more than 700 words!) and if you feel it's too dark, don't hate me please. And don't judge me, because I had like 3/4 of this chapter written before the trailer for SU future came out.

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