Good enough. 

I ran down the stairs and out the door, riding back, cutting the ten-minute drive into a five minute one. 

"That was fast," he spoke as he opened the door, shirtless and in his swim trunks. 

"I took the short way." I shrugged. 

He smiled. "I don't think you'll be taking the long way any time soon." 

I laughed before heading up the stairs and into the guest room bathroom where I changed into my bathing suit. I grabbed a towel and slung it over my arm before walking out to see him leaning on the railing of the stairs. As I stepped out, he straightened up, checking me out shamelessly. I rolled my eyes at his actions. "Are you done?" I asked with a huff. 

His eyebrows furrowed. 

"Checking me out," I prompted. 

"No, not yet." He shook his head, completely zoned out. I blushed crimson before smacking his arm, snapping him out of it. He chuckled before leading the way, with me following closely behind. 

We got to the backyard and walked to the very back, where I was greeted by a twenty-five meter, six to eight feet deep pool. How the hell did I miss that last time we were here? 

"It's been covered this whole time since no one but me uses. Ace isn't here so I haven't been using it much either. No parties, no get-togethers or hanging out thanks to this thing." He looked down at his monitor before rolling his eyes and tossing the towel on one of the three beach-chairs.

"You must really hate that thing then," I stated while he got into the pool and I sat down on the edge, dipping my legs in. 

"No, I don't, because thanks to this, I got to know you." He grinned goofily while standing, his feet touching the six feet deep side of the pool where we were. 

"You're so goddamn cliche," I shook my head while laughing before throwing my hair up in a bun. 

"Am I now?" he smirked before grabbing me by the ankles, pulling me right in, I managed to grab onto his shoulders before my head was dunked into the water while gasping for air as I got chills which the water and sudden proximity brought. 

"I hate you," I shivered a little, my teeth chattering. Why is the water so cold? 

"Let me turn the heating on," he laughed before stepping out of the pool and changing some setting at the entrance of the backyard before running back and doing a cannonball. 

"Parker!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he rose above the surface of the water. He swam up to me, his hair sloppy and sticking to his forehead. 

He had a grin dancing on his lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. I pushed his hair back while laughing before wrapping my arms around his neck. 

Everything is happening so fast between us and it just feels natural. Like I've known him forever, as cliche as that sounds. 

"Live a little, Carthy," he smirked before poking my stomach, tickling me and making me squeal. 

I got his arms off of my waist and backed up against the wall behind me. Once that happened, I went underwater, taking a push off the wall, going underwater, swimming against the floor of the pool, past Xavier and to the other end of the pool. 

I pushed off the floor, shooting up while gasping for air after swimming the twenty-five meters in one breath. I looked over while brushing hair out of my face to see Xavier chuckling while slowly swimming towards me. 

I was backed up against the wall already and this was eight feet deep, so there's no way I'm getting away now. "Where are you gonna swim to now?" he smirked while placing his arms on the wall, either side of me. 

"Nowhere. I guess I'm stuck," I spoke, taking short breaths while my chest rose up and down steadily. 

"I guess you're stuck," he whispered before grabbing the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his, while his grip tightened on my waist, pulling me closer if that was possible. 

"You're gonna bring me to ruins." I breathed after pulling away, placing my hands against his chest. 

"Why?" he whispered while looking me straight in the eyes. 

"Cause you're the delinquent of this town." I laughed slightly, making him crack a small smile. "And it only makes sense for you to hurt me." I shrugged ever so slightly, expecting the hurt.

"And you're the perfect girl next door, the hottest one I've ever seen."






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