8. No class today

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(Y/N), Gintoki and Shoyo-Sensei arrived at a place which is both a home and a school to them, Shoka-Sonjuku. What would happen from here??

"You are hundred years too early to sleep till afternoon, Gintoki-kun", Shoyo-Sensei said smilingly, tapping Gintoki lightly on his head and well I believe readers know what happens right after that. Well, yesterday, I mean in the previous chapter Shoyo-Sensei asked you both to wake up early in order to attend your first class, but Gintoki didn't wake up in time, so that was all the chaos all about.

Well, you sometimes wondered whether Shoyo-Sensei is actually a Yato or not, for his monstrous strength is almost equal to a Yato. You glanced at Gintoki, who was clutching his head in pain. "As punishment, you have to clean the whole school!. Here take these" Shoyo said handing Gintoki a bucket of water, a rag, and a broom.

"How the hell did these things suddenly appeared from your back!! Who are you??", Gintoki said.

"Now hurry up, Gintoki-kun, finish cleaning the school by sunset", Shoyo-Sensei said smilingly.

•••••••••••(Timeskip because Author-san is extremely lazy, of course, you know that there is no other reason why authors skip time)••••••••

By the speed Gintoki was cleaning the school, you knew that he wouldn't be able to finish cleaning by sunset. You being a kind-hearted person, helped him which finished the work quickly even before the Sun sets.

"I am extremely tired", Gintoki said.

'Well, I should have been the one saying that line. I worked so hard. Author San is so unfair to me.'

(I am sorry (Y/N)-chan, I was out of ideas, I am sorrryyyyy)

'I-It's okay, I forgive you.'

((Y/N)-chan is so kind. Thank you.)

You blushed a little at the author
- chan's comments.

"(Y/N), oi (Y/N), what happened???", Gintoki said.

"NN-NOTHING!! You must be hungry, right?? Wait for me I will bring something for you to eat", saying that you went to bring some rice crackers from the kitchen.

You came back. "Where did you get that Jump manga from??"

"Oh, this, I found it in the drawer."


You swear you saw Gintoki scared for his dear life when he realized that he had made you angry. Truth to be told, Gintoki was just curious to know what you kept in the drawer and there was nothing more than that.

" You really are scared of me, aren't you?? Well, it's okay, here have some snacks", you said smiling.

Gintoki was shocked. He then realized that there's no way he can predict you. He can't comprehend you, even though a little more than a month has passed since he has met you. The moment he thinks that he knows you fully well, the next moment another new side of her shows up.

(Don't worry (Y/N)-chan does not have a split personality... Or would reader-san like to have a (Y/N)-chan having many personalities???)

Gintoki just stared at you, then he began to eat rice-crackers while also glancing at the illustrations of the comic book. You both stayed silent.

"Do you want me to read it for you?? You won't be able to understand it anyway."

He slightly nodded and kept the book in such a way that you both would be able to read it. You started to read what was written in the manga uttering each word with emotion. Well, being an actor was one of your passion and you were definitely good at it, if not the best. Gintoki was amazed at your acting skills and began to enjoy the manga.

When you were just halfway through completing the manga, thirsty from speaking so many words without a break, you glanced at Gintoki to see that his eyes were about to close from lack of sleep. You continued on reading till Gintoki fell asleep.......... AND BEHOLD DUE TO SOME MYSTERIOUS POWERFUL FORCE GINTOKI FELL RIGHT ON YOUR SHOULDERS WHILE SLEEPING!!

And it was so sudden and you were so embarrassed, that even if you didn't admit it yourself, author-chan and Izanami-chan are ready to swear that your face was as red or even redder than a tomato.

Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you, and you knew without turning back that it was Shoyo-Sensei.

"Eh, So Gintoki has fallen asleep again, I wanted him to run some other errands for me as a punishment. It is a surprise that he completed the work by Sunset. You helped him, didn't you, (Y/N)-chan??"

"Sensei, you were a little harsh, don't you think??"

"Do you think so (Y/N)-chan?", saying that Shoyo-Sensei took Gintoki in his arms, gently and took him to his room, so that he can sleep soundly.

After some time, he came back and sat with you and started eating rice crackers. "Sensei, have you gathered the students who would come to study here? What would you teach them??"

"(Y/N)-chan, I have not gathered students but I have a feeling that this school would be filled with lots of students. I would them academics and some fighting skills, but it would be their choice to become what they want to be."

"Sensei, why did you decide to become a teacher?"

"Eh.. It's a little difficult question."

"I don't think so, Sensei."

"It's just that.. I wanted to know whether I am capable of giving something to someone, given the fact that I have always took everything from others. I thought that, maybe becoming a teacher would help me give something to my students who has everything taken from them.."

"Then Sensei, what do you think now?? Do you think that you are able to be a giver??"

"............ I don't know", at that moment you saw Sensei a little sad, which seemed different from his usual smiling face.

"Well, (Y/N)-chan, you should sleep already. Don't be late for tomorrow's class, and do wake up Gintoki too. Okay? "

"Okay. Goodnight Sensei "

"Goodnight (Y/N)-chan", saying that Shoyo sensei got up and went to his room.
'Sensei, don't worry, you have given us more than we could ever ask for.'

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