2. Orange-hair girls are kawaiiii

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You opened your eyes to see your vision blinded by the Sun. After blinking for a few times you realized that you were laying on the grass leaning against a tree.

Soon memories of your encounter with a goddess of reincarnation came back to you.

( (Y/N)-chan how could you forget me, it's been just two or three days since I have last updated?!?!! Was I not important to you?? Did I really leave such an impression?)

Author-chan went sulking at the corner and started crying. (Y/N)-chan started sweating furiously unable to think what to do in order to calm down author-chan.

(Y/N)-chan after a moment of hesitation called Izanami-san in her heart and at the same moment she appeared before (Y/N)-chan. Without further questioning Izanami-san dragged the author-chan and they both disappeared.

(Y/N)-chan sighed deeply. You looked around to realize that you were in a forest. At a distance you saw a lake and you walked towards it without thinking. You unconsciously touched your throat and realized that you were thirsty.

You leaned to drink water from the lake unsure whether it was pure or not. Obviously it would be pure as the lake water was clean and free from garbage and pollution which was not the case back in your world.

That last words brought a pang of pain in your chest as now you won't be able to see your friend Airi again. Wonder what is happening at this time at your world.

'I wish Airi was here with me, she would definitely be crazy if she came to know I was in an anime world.'

A single drop of tear fell from your eyes for you really missed her. After drinking water you saw your reflection. You were shocked to see your face.


It's not like you hate orange colour. If you don't believe it, author-chan has proof. The proof is that Wattpad, (the reason of your death) is also orange in colour and since you read it, it definitely means you love Wattpad and also you like (note like) orange colour. But the problem was that orange colour was your unlucky colour which explains your screaming at the lake.

"But despite that, I am soooo kawaiii (cute) and adorable."

But the real problem was that in which anime were you?? Guess it was time for Izanami-san to make an appearance again. You call Izanami-san's name in your heart and she appears.

You saw that she was pouting for some reason. Before you could ask something she said that she felt bad when you called her Izanami-san and not Iza-chan.

'Give me a break!! What does it matter if I call you chan or san or if I forgot the author', you thought a little annoyed by their childish behaviour.

"Well (Y/N)-chan why did you summon me here", Iza-chan asked you.

"Which anime am I in, Iza-chan??"
"Well readers who are reading this right now, we would definitely answer (Y/N)-chan's answer next time the author-chan updates. Thank you for readin-"

You grab Iza-chan's wrist and twist it until she screams in pain. "ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW IZANAMI!!!!", you said angrily while the dark aura surrounded you.

"O-OKAY , (Y/N)-CHAN YOU ARE IN THE ANIME GINTAMA", Iza-chan said in pain and you released her wrist.

You both stared at each other for some time until you screamed.

( Is it just my imagination or did I really hear (Y/N)-chan screaming?? ), said the author-chan.

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