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At the instutute

Alecs p.o.v.
Its time. As I got down on one knee everyone just stared i looked at clary

"Clarissa adele fairchild, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me, Alexander gideon lightwood?" I ask

"Yes, yes of course i will" clary said with tears in her eyes

I slipped the gold ring on the finger and kissed her.

Izzy p.o.v.
I was so happen when alec proposed to clary and i could sense her happyness.

"So you finally did it"

"What" alec said sounding suprised

"You finally proposed, i knew you would." I said giggling

"Im so happy for you" i said

"By the way im going to plan everything exept clarys dress that is up to her" i said

Sorry its so short but i had school work to do as well
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