chapter 3

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Jace p.o.v.

I ran after izzy and what i saw made my blood go cold i couldnt stand seeing clary and alec kissing so i ranback to the girls in my room

Alec p.o.v.

"Izzy i-i..." i said

"Dont worry big brother as long as clary is happy im happy" izzy said

"We are parabati "   said clary

"Clary i have something to tell you" i said slowly

"What is it?"she aaked

"I-i love you clary fairchild"i blurted out

"Alec i cant right now"clary sighed

"I under stand but i just.." i started before i was inturupted

"Alec leave clary alone for a bit ok"izzy said pointing to the door

"Ok izzy"i said as i left the room

Izzy p.o.v.

"Clary just say the word and i will kill jace"i said

"No not now not yet but thanks izzy" clary said with teary eyes

***Alarm goes off***

Alec clary jace lets go

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