chapter 1

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Its been three years since clary had killed valentine and the instatute was preparing for a special event.

~three years back~

Clarys p.o.v.
I steped through the portal with alec and izzy, almost right away we arived back at the instatute.

"Well im going to see jace" i said like a little kid

"Goodluck, he's been moody" alec giggled

"Yeah i dont think i need luck." I said "but thanks alec"

I run to jaces room to find not one but two other girls on him.

I scream at the top of my longs "YOU BASTARD!"

Alecs p.o.v.

Just seconds after clary ran to see jace i hear someone scream 'YOU BASTARD' . I ran to see who it was...

Hi sorry it was so short this is my first story hope you enjoy

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