chapter 2

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Alecs p.o.v.
As i ran to jaces room i hear someone crying in clarys so i stop and open the door

Clary sobs go away without looking up

"Clary are you ok i ask as softley aa posible

A-a-alec she said now looking at me

And without thinking i grabed waist pulling her in to a kiss

Izzys p.o.v.

I had just found out what jace had done to clary my parabiti i felt her pain straight away and ran to his room.
When i got to jaces room i slaped him so hard that he started bleeding

Izzy why did you do that

Dont try and fool me herondale. You cheated on clary

I slaped him again and walked away

I will kill him when clary says i can i think to my self

**at clarys room**

I walk into clarys room to witness her kissing my brother. I clear my throught and they both look straight at me

Clarys p.o.v
I didnt know what happened all i knew was that i was kissing alec and he was kissing me.

I moaned into the kiss and he smiled i pulled him onto the bed, he was on top of me. That was when i heard someone clear their throught.

He pulled away to see who it was.

I-i-izzy it isnt what it looks like i swear alec stutters

Sorry to end so soon next time we get to see it from jaces p.o.v.

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