Love Story Part 3

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Ryans part

I have seen all my mate's now and we start to walk to school. I'm still thinking about y/n like what if I see her. I try and push it out my mind. But my mates get it out of me as I'm quiet. I tell them what happened and they laughed. But then suddenly we are neat school like 10mins away and we see her. Ben shouts her name. Y/n looks over and me and her catch eyes. I look down as I see her friends walking the other way. That was really embarrassing. When I thought nothing could get worse he shouts again. "oi come other here." my mates push me to get y/n and then I pull her to one side. No words came out of my mouth. They didn't need to. She opens her mouth and says, "why did you like a picture of mine from 30 weeks ago. It's like your stalking me." I looked she then ended it with a really cute laugh. "umm. Well tbh I kinda slipped. Sorry." I say. By now my face is more red with embarrassment. Y/n gently says, "don't be sorry." she turns to walk away but I grap her back as I want to keep listening to her voice. "so we have been going to the same school right?" I ask a question to keep a convo up. She nods. "really I thought I would of noticed someone as beautiful as you." well that was not the right thing to say. My cheeks even more red. She dose that giggle again and says thanks I guess with a smile on her face. "oh anyway I know nothing about you so do you want to come other mine tonight." I ask her as I'm home alone. She nods I then add, "meet you here after school." she answers with, "umm ok see you layer then." with a really quiet voice so quiet I just about herd her. "yeah see you later. Umm can you not tell anyone as you know how rumors start." she nods and then walks off.

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