Chapter 10

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The Preparations for the party tomorrow night was keeping everyone busy. Arwen was looking for the right dress for me. In my opinion, i loved them all but for tomorrow i have to look like a true princess of Rivendall, at least that's what everyone says. i'm not sure why the party shall be thrown, after all i have been here for some time now and to top it all my best friend is nowhere to be found. In fact, she hasn't been around in a while. I asked Arwen if she saw her and she just smiled at me and said not to worry about her. 

" so what do you think is going to happen tonight?" I asked Arwen.

" well, Many elves are arriving today for this special occasion.  You may remember some of them but its all right if you do not, however, we need to find the right dress."

I sighted as Arwen went back to looking through the pile she had brought over to my room. This is going to drive me insane, in every sense of the word as i hear footsteps hurrying outside in the corridor every now and then. 

I left Arwen to her mission and walked out to the balcony. i loved it here, seeing all of Rivendell in all its beauty was more than breathtaking. I feel sad every time that back in that world  there really aren't any places like it. 

You know that feeling you get as if your  being watched? yeah that one,  it was getting stronger and  looking at the grounds under the balcony i saw Dawon lurking in the shadows of one of the statues. he was looking straight at me and it was the  kind of  look filled  with hatred.

Whats his problem? And didn't Ada order him to leave? I looked back into my room to see Arwen still hard on finding that dress and when i look back  Dawon was gone. I noticed a piece of parchment stuck to the statue where Dawon stood. Being me, curiosity took the better part of my mind.

Stealing another glance at Arwen to make sure she doesn't see me, i walk towards the stairs and down to the statue. looking around again to make sure no one saw me leave. Since that little incident with Dawon, Moron, and Fuinor, there was someone with me even more than before. Now Ada has assigned guards to stand at my door at night.

Don't get me wrong, i love it here, feels right and that i belong. Something that lacked back then when i was just some girl but now everything makes  sense. 

I grab the parchment and stare at it in horror. It only had one word on it.

" rato"


I ripped the parchment as tears started streaming down my face. I was scared, no worse i was terrified. I shouldn't have come here, i shouldn't have taken that stupid piece of paper. 

"Arianne" Arwen screamed as she ran over to me. " Are you hurt? Whats the matter? Guards get my father , fast"

Arwen hovered above me in my line of sight. I was looking up at her, I must have fainted but no one can blame me. The look on Dawon's face came to mind but what scared me more was Fuinor.

It was dark, no sound was made that night as i looked up at the skies. The stars looks magnificent for my little eyes. A door opening and footsteps approch, looking up expecting to see my ada smiling down at me, but thats not ada. It is someone i do not know, and the way he is looking at me makes want to cry. 

" Is the little princess happy tonight? well, its not for long" Said the stranger as he picked me up from my bed.

" This little princess is going to die tonight" was all he said as he carried me way, hand covering my little mouth.


"Arwen?" I whisper as i began to regain my voice. " I...I remember"

"Remember? What do you remember? Arianne what happened?" 

" I remember who took me"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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